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指甲每个月会长3毫米。Nails grow at 3 mm per month.

花粉红色,直径约8毫米。Flowers pink, ca. 8 mm in diam.

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亲爱的,请轻轻地走向我。Mm dooby doCome softly, darling.

一年之内免费保修保换。Within one year free warranty mm.

直根圆筒状,约5毫米厚。Taproot cylindrical, ca. 5 mm thick.

连属50毫米迫击炮怎么样?Were 50 mm company mortars any good?

蛹椭圆形,长约5毫米,黄褐色。Pupa elliptic, about 5 mm long, brown.

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除非我们另换一套服装。Mm. Unless we go with a different dress?

根茎为深的直根,粗的10毫米。Rootstock a deep taproot to 10 mm thick.

坎贝尔浓汤,“呣……好!”Campbell Soup, "Mmm mm good", BBDO, 1930s

颖果棕褐色,长椭圆形,长约3毫米。Grain brown, long elliptic, ca. 3 mm long.

该笔长14.4厘米,直径14毫米。It is 144 mm long with a diameter of 14mm.

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他的7.65毫米口径的瓦尔特手枪放在他脚边。His 7.65 mm Walther pistol lay by his foot.

每天以英寸,厘米,毫米的降雨量。Amount of day precipitations in in, cm or mm.

核心-所有核心物质是16毫米A级中密度纤维板。Core- All core material is 16 mm Class A MDF.

软件计算毫米级的定心误差。The software computes the centring error in mm.

一个GG不小心刮开了一个MM的超短裙。GG carelessly pared off to open a miniskirt of MM.

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这些MM一半都爱吃肉或者不爱运动。These MM half all love to eat meat or love sports.

标准状态为温度摄氏零度和压力760毫米汞柱。Zero ℃ temperature and 760 mm of mercury pressure.

总状花序,30厘米长,花梗到5毫米。Inflorescences racemose, to 30 cm, pedicels to 5 mm.