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最大的火山是奥林匹斯火山。The biggest volcano is Olympus Mons.

从宽广的大地飞向奥林匹斯山。Up to Olympus from the wide-spread earth.

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走向奥林帕斯山顶的徒步者。Trekker walking towards summit of Mt Olympus.

宙斯和他的一队人马在奥林匹斯山顶上。Zeus and his group were on top of mount Olympus.

奎托斯,所剩的时间不多了,奥林匹斯需要你。Kratos, there is not much time, Olympus needs you.

灵山只在大地的外部,处处都是。Olympus is but the outside of the earth everywhere.

宙斯作为山神和人类之父主宰着那里的一切。At Olympus Zeus ruled as the father of gods and men.

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现年70岁的菊川刚自1964年以来一直效力于该公司。Mr. Kikukawa, 70, has been with Olympus since 1964. Mr.

但奥林巴斯的可怕真相还不只是让人蒙羞。But the awful truth at Olympus is not just embarrassing.

奥林巴斯在两周前宣布了菊川刚辞职的消息。Olympus announced Mr. Kikukawa's resignation two weeks ago.

阿芙罗狄蒂哭泣着逃奔到奥林匹斯山上去养伤并求得安慰。Aphrodite fled weeping to Mount Olympus to be healed and comforted.

联盟23S“奥林巴斯”号停靠在空间站的最下端。Soyuz 23S, "Olympus" docked to the nadir side of the Space Station.

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我的奥林巴斯E1的,我用4条谷仓门上一盏灯,突出了良好的特点。On my Olympus E1, I use 4 barn doors on a light to highlight good features.

轨道飞船显示了火星上的大山,叫奥林庇斯山。Orbiting spacecraft have shown a huge mountain on Mars called Olympus Mons.

记忆中,那时最出名的照相机是弗兰卡,后来就是奥林帕斯什么的。Memory, then the camera is the most famous Franca, then what is the Olympus.

他是阿瑞斯和阿芙罗狄蒂的儿子,是一位小奥林匹斯山神。Son of Aphrodite by Ares, he took his place among the small gods of Olympus.

他是阿瑞斯和阿芙罗狄蒂的儿子,是一位小奥林波斯山神。Son of Aphrodite by Ares , he took his place among the small gods of Olympus.

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赫尔墨斯一生下来就被任命为奥林波斯山的贼神。Immediately after he was born, Hermes was appointed god of thieves at Olympus.

奥林匹斯的上古神殿,被黑暗悄无声息的侵蚀著。The ancient sanctuary at Olympus is being, so stealthyly, eroded by the darkness.

奥林匹斯山的众神中,最叫人无可奈何的,就是小爱神丘比特。In the many mantitos of the Olympus Mons , the young Cupid was the most naughty one.