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小白鹭。Little Egret.

海豚。白鹭。The dolphin. The egret.

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嘘!你看那边有个白鹭。Sh! Look at the egret over there.

一只牛鹭降落在一只犀牛身上。A cattle egret alights on a rhinoceros.

我看到大面积的沼泽地里的孤独大白鹭。I spotted this lone Great Egret in a large area of marsh grass.

这只牛背鹭刚好带来一根树枝,并且正盯着我看。This cattle egret just brought in a stick and was staring at me.

牛背鹭主要取食蜘蛛、蝗虫、蟋蟀和蛙类。The food of cattle egret was mostly spider, locust, cricket and frog.

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这只时运不佳的雪鹭自以为找到一个完美的捕鱼地点。This unlucky egret thought he had found a perfect spot to go fishing.

年轻白鹭鸶的小鸡为了最近捕获的饲料而战斗着。Young snowy egret chicks battle to feed on the recently caught catch.

一只体型硕大、嘴部黄色的大白鹭,鱼目混珠在小白鹭鸶群里。A yellow-beaked Eastern white egret mixes with a flock of the little egrets.

白鹭喜欢栖息在湖泊、沼泽地和潮湿的森林里,属涉鸟类。Egret like habitat in the lakes, marshes and moist forest, is for the birds.

白鹭和池鹭雏鸟的生长表现为S型生长曲线。The growth of nestlings of in little egret and pond heron appeared in S curve.

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佛罗里达沼泽中的一棵树。雪鹭幼鸟在为食物和母亲的注意而竞争。A tree in a Florida swamp. Egret chicks compete for food and attention from mom.

白鹭主要取食鲤科、鲻科鱼类和虾类。The fish of Mugilidae and Cyprinidae and the shrimp were the most food of little egret.

总之,人类的入侵和栖息地的丧失使棕颈鹭的数量在不断下降。In general, reddish egret numbers have declined due to human encroachment and habitat loss.

厦门建立了中华白海豚自然保护区和白鹭岛自然保护区。Xiamen has established the Chinese White Dolphin Natural Reserve and Egret Natural Reserve.

一个很棒的白鹭被猜想已经死,是对东南方的中国地方病。A great egret was suspected to have died of the disease, which is endemic to south-east China.

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在1974年的加利福尼亚,我用镜头抓拍到了这只,从东向西飞过迪伯伦的理查森海湾湖面的雪鹭。I caught this snowy egret heading west over Richardson's Bay near Tiburon, California, in 1974

1974年,我看到一只雪白的鹭鸶在旧金山蒂布伦附近的理查森海湾上向西飞翔。I caught this snowy egret heading west over Richardson's Bay near Tiburon, California, in 1974.

大多数白鹭有白色的羽毛,到了繁殖的季节,还会长出很长的漂亮羽毛。Most of the white egret feathers to the breeding season, will grow very long beautiful feathers.