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这就走到软弱涣散的另一个极端。This leads to the other extreme, weakness and laxity.

临床测量Q角和全身关节松弛度。Clinically, Q angle and generalized joint laxity were measured.

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许多企业家认为,当地领导的散漫是他们的自由。Many entrepreneurs acknowledge that local leaders’ laxity is deliberate.

这是可能的,我的关节松弛的结缔组织损害韧带出现。It is possible that my joint laxity arises from connective tissue damage to the ligaments.

同时他也不赞成性滥交和离婚,某些时候他更像一个家庭价值观的保守派。Disapproving of sexual laxity and divorce, he can sometimes sound like a family-values conservative.

巴西实行的庞大的财政责任法也对之前放纵风气盛行的地方公共财政进行了相关规定。Brazil's bulky Fiscal Responsibility Act also governs regional public finances, where laxity has been a problem.

曾有人提出,一种叫松弛肽的孕期激素引起怀孕妇女关节松弛。It has been suggested that the hormone relaxin, a hormone of pregnancy, causes this joint laxity in pregnant women.

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由此应当得出教训,必须坚决克服领导上的软弱涣散状态。They should draw a lesson from this reaction on the people's part and resolutely overcome their weakness and laxity.

自然这是一种很陈旧的动机在起作用,没有任何人在毒品的选票运动中是赢家。Naturally, there is some very banal motivation at play, which is that nobody ever won votes campaigning for laxity on drugs.

我已经被诊断出患有前列腺癌以及食管癌,已到晚期,这都是由我对自身健康放放纵自由成的。I have been diagnosed with prostate and esophageal Cancer that was discovered very late due to my laxity in caring for my health.

在速度成为世俗竞相追逐的美德时,我选择徐缓、迂回,递送我的爱情。When the speed become the virtue that the common customs competitively pursue, I choice laxity , roundabout, and deliver my love.

OI是以骨骼易碎和韧带松弛为特征的罕见遗传性胶原代谢障碍性疾病。Summary of Background Data. OI is a rare genetic collagen disorder that is characterized by bone fragility and ligamentous laxity.

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面部疤痕切除植皮只能改善功能,容貌损毁的改善远非理想。Excision with skin graft of soar on the face can improve laxity and mobility of that portion, but it contributes little to remould the disfiguration.

在消费者水平上的适度繁荣不会导致通胀——虽然有人认为这是导致科技泡沫的扩张性货币政策。Growth duly flourished without causing inflation at the consumer level—although some argue that the laxity of monetary policy caused the tech bubble.

总之,加强党对思想战线的领导,克服软弱涣散的状态,已经成为全党的一个迫切的任务。In Short, strengthening Party leadership in ideological matters and overcoming weakness and laxity has become urgent tasks for the entire membership.

现在不少伪劣商品充斥市场,消费者和商家都强调说执法不严是其很多可能性之一。Now days market is full of fake and inferior commodities, consumers and sellers stressed that laxity in law enforcement is one of many possibilities.

首先要认识目前问题的严重性,认识改变思想战线的领导软弱涣散状况的迫切必要性。First and foremost, they should recognize the seriousness of the problems and the urgent need to overcome weakness and laxity in leadership in this area.

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但是当前的主要问题不在于有这些现象,而在于我们对待这些现象处置无力,存在着涣散软弱的状态。At present, the main problem is not so much the existence of this phenomenon as the fact that we are too soft in handling it. There is laxity and weakness.

然而,最近的研究发现,怀孕妇女外周关节松弛度增加与血清松弛肽或雌二醇水平升高之间没有联系。Howeer, recent studies hae found that increased peripheral joint laxity in pregnant women was not associated with increased serum relaxin leels or estradiol leels.

督促解决一些地方存在的执法不严和对侵权行为处罚不力的现象。The phenomena such as laxity in law enforcement and leniency in punishing infringing acts existing in some local authorities should also be supervised and eliminated.