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目前,塞尔维亚人会悲痛和愤怒。For now, there will be a paroxysm of anger and mourning.

一大群观众,乐到发狂,嘴里胡言乱语,都跟着走。The cloud of spectators followed, jestIng, In a paroxysm of delight.

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三伏药物敷贴能缓解哮喘大鼠的发作。Dog Day Moxibustion treatment can alleviate paroxysm of the asthma rat.

望的自我保护状态下,我的大脑已经将它忘记。Brain has already almost forgotten it, in a desperate paroxysm of self-defence.

让更多的人拥有像蚕丝被那样的终极享受为团队使命。Let more people own paroxysm such as natural silk quilt enjoy for team mission.

疾病的预防和治疗是动物养殖中的关键环节。The paroxysm prevention and treatments are key links within the animal farmings.

由于危机事件具有突发性、破坏性等特点,从而增加了对其管理的难度。The paroxysm and destructiveness of crisis incidents increase the difficulty in management.

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结果46例有阵发性高血压,4例有持续性高血压,4例无自觉症状。Results 46 cases paroxysm hypertension, 4 cases permanent hypertension, 4 cases non-symptom,.

有时候,在太阳的震动中,太阳表面会周期性喷发出巨大的太阳风暴和耀斑。Occasionally, the Sun's surface erupts in a solar quake, a paroxysm of gigantic storms and flares.

企业管理诊断就是一门诊治企业疾病的科学。The business enterprise diagnosis is an out-patient service to cure business enterprise paroxysm science.

患者对自身所患疾病的了解及自我保健意识有所提高。The sufferer has the exaltation to the paroxysm that oneself get understanding and ego health care consciousnesses.

随访12周后观察胸痛发作情况,复查平板运动试验及冠状动脉造影。The chest pain paroxysm condition was observed and the treadmill test and coronary angiography were rechecked after following up for 12 weeks.

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难治性癫痫的反复发作和长期用药又导致并发认知功能障碍。The relapse paroxysm and long range difficult to cure nature falling sickness use medicine to lead to the dysfunction being complicated by cognition.

医用超声雾化器常用于呼吸道疾病的治疗之中,属于普及型的医疗器械。Cure to use super a fog turn the machine in common use in breath a paroxysm treatment, belong to the medical treatment apparatus of the universal type.

在其后的两年中,病人曾反复发生过20次类似情况的左臂瘫痪,每次发作皆因长时间的阵发性咳嗽所引起。In the fallowing two years he experienced 20 similar episodes of paralysis of the left arm, each attack being precipitated by a prolonged paroxysm of coughing.

结论通心络胶囊能改善血管内皮功能,提高冠状动脉血流储备及运动耐量,减少心绞痛的发作。Conclusion Tongxinluo capsule can improve vascellum endothelial function, enhance coronary flow reserve and exercise tolerance and reduce the paroxysm of chest pain.

内在体验的爆发会将你引入万劫不复的境地,因为生命是自我意识的实现,它根源于唯一能够自我否定的体验。The paroxysm of interior experience leads you to regions where danger is absolute, because life which self-consciously actualizes its roots in experience can only negate itself.

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医院建筑是人类赖以生存繁衍,经历生命全过程以及维护健康、抵抗疾病的神奇场所。The hospital building is mankind to rely for existence to multiply greatly, the career life whole process and maintenances are healthily, miraculous place of paroxysm of holdout.

在自我保护的绝望状态下,我的大脑已经将这个表演几乎忘完了。Against the dignity, seriousness and power of the Chinese displays, it was so far beyond embarrassing, my brain has already almost forgotten it, in a desperate paroxysm of self-defence.