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它们的毛几乎不透水而且比羊驼毛更柔软。Its fur is almost waterproof and softer than alpaca.

今天,我来介绍一种非常神奇的动物。他的名字叫羊驼。Today, I introduce a very magical animal. His name is alpaca.

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无峰驼其它各种美洲驼属的哺乳的动物,如南美羊驼和红褐色美洲驼。Any of various other mammals of the genus Lama, such as the alpaca and guanaca.

羊驼的毛比羊毛长,光亮而富有弹性,可制成高级的毛织物。Than wool, alpaca hair long, light and elastic, wool fabrics can be made higher.

五百年来,在秘鲁给羊驼剪羊毛都必须举行一种神圣而独特的仪式。Five years, shearing alpaca in Peru to have to hold a sacred and unique ceremony.

这种地毯是用羊绒毛制成的,虽然很软,但能帮助苔藓生长。The rugs are made from alpaca fibre, which is soft, but encourages the moss to grow.

羊驼主要用于生产绒毛,其绒毛被誉为“软黄金”。Fleece production is the main performance of alpaca . The fleece is called as soft gold.

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这个被新围栏组成的生态牧场俨然成为了动物园里驴和羊驼等动物们的新家。The grassy paddock with its new fence is home to the zoo's donkey and alpaca population.

这个位于旧金山的慈善组织称,许多饲养羊驼和绵羊的农场主也参与了该活动。Alpaca and sheep farmers have also got involved, according to the San Francisco-based charity.

在上面的例子中,如果需要只使用羊驼地图生成输出该怎么办呢?Working with the sample above, what happens when you want to produce output using only the alpaca map?

马海毛、克什米尔产细羊毛和羊驼呢绒等密织绒按照最时髦、最流行的比例纺到了一起。The rich knit yarns such as mohair, cashmere and alpaca are proposed with modern and updated proportions.

德国Dettelbach,一只名叫俄勒冈的羊驼正准备在羊驼和骆驼展厅展示自己。An alpaca named Oregon gets ready for its appearance at allama and alpaca showcase in Dettelbach, Germany.

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因此我想,如果他们能在澳大利亚做到那些,为什么我不能在秘鲁带着一只羊驼试试呢?So I thought, if they do it in Australia, a developed nation, why can't I do it here in Peru with an alpaca.

矿工和农民们开着摩托车进到蜿蜒的中心市场里面去采购T恤和风干的羊驼肉。Miners and farmers motorbike into the sprawling central market to stock up on T-shirts and dried alpaca meat.

但是,日本的一家酒店似乎并不在意这些,他们允许新人们雇用羊驼来当证婚人。But this seems lost on a hotel in Japan that allows couples getting married to hire an alpaca to act as the witness.

墨尔本圣特尔莫餐厅主厨麦克·帕特里克跟踪调查了羊驼肉的消费情况,他表示,食客们对羊驼肉褒贬不一。Melbourne restaurant San Telmo head chef Mike Patrick trailed an alpaca dish, and said the response from foodies was mixed.

另外,研究还表明驼羊对其它牧草的采食程度也不一样。On the other hand, Results also showed that the degree of enjoyment to alpaca grazing other pasture was different in this research.

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羊驼肉是蛋白质的良好来源,几乎不含饱和脂肪和胆固醇,而且养殖过程也生态环保。Alpaca meat is a good source of protein with little saturated fat and cholesterol, it is also environmentally sustainable to produce.

骆驼更多了,随后看见一些长得怪模怪样的兔子,体形有小袋鼠那么大。Climbing slowly at first, more llama, then some weird-looking rabbits the size of wallabies , and then some things that looked like alpaca.

他正和邻居们一起给羊驼建造茅屋,抵御天气变化。可是,他打的却是一场必败的仗。He works with his neighbours to build shelters for the alpaca to give some protection from the elements, but he is fighting a losing battle.