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蓝铃花,狂野的蓝铃花,就在林间飞舞。And Bluebell , wild Bluebell, was dancing in the wood.

蓝铃花,狂野的蓝铃花,只在林间飞舞。But Bluebell , wild Bluebell , only dances in the wood.

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姑娘坐起身来,从头发里摘出一枝风铃草。The girl picked herself up and pulled a bluebell out of her hair.

本森也带来了一大笔生意,蓝铃湖区现在已经面临着衰落。Benson was also big business, and Bluebell Lakes was already suffering in the recession.

多年来,围绕着本森的捉放游戏一直是蓝铃湖的魅力所在。For years, Benson was a catch-and-release attraction in Bluebell Lakes, a private fishing complex.

蓝铃湖老板托尼·布瑞志福特在本森死亡附近水域发现了生的洋地栗的痕迹。The owner of Bluebell Lakes, Tony Bridgefoot, found traces of raw tiger nuts near the spot where Benson died.

本森也带来了一大笔生意,蓝铃湖区现在已经面临着衰落。Bridgefoot recalled on Thursday. Benson was also big business, and Bluebell Lakes was already suffering in the recession.

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刚巧在收割完牧草之后,杰西和布鲁贝尔产下九条小狗崽。It happened that Jessie and Bluebell had both whelped soon after the hay harvest, giving birth between them to nine sturdy puppies.

最先来的是三只狗——布鲁贝尔、杰西和平彻,然后是猪,他们很快在讲台前面的稻草上就坐。First came the three dogs, Bluebell , Jessie and Pincher, and then the pigs, who settled down in the straw immediately in front of the platform.

花序中的的花梗部小型的叶状器官,本身被苞片所包围。例如风信子。比较。Bracteole A small leaflike organ on the pedicel of a flower in an inflorescence that is itself subtended by a bract, as in the bluebell. Compare bract.

这些坚果是蓝铃湖的违禁物品,它们用于把鱼诱惑至水面,但如果处在潮湿环境下,且没有煮熟,它们会让鲤鱼中毒。These nuts, a banned substance at Bluebell Lakes, are used to tempt fish to the surface, but they can prove toxic to a carp if they have been kept in moist conditions and not cooked.

俺长的那么大还是第一次见那么一大片望不尽头,蓝深深的蓝铃花,目睹时的那一刻仿如走进了预备好的童话世界。It was my first time to see a bluebell field, the moment when I first saw it I was so excited and imagine myself walking in a fairy tale, it was blue everywhere, I couldn't see where it ended.