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然后成本暴增。Then costs exploded.

他哄然大笑。He exploded with laughter.

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他最后哄然大笑起来。At last his laughter exploded.

他那辆被安有炸弹的汽车爆炸了。His booby-trapped car exploded.

中国爆炸第一颗氢弹。China exploded her first H-bomb.

他的车子翻转然后爆炸了。His car rolled over then exploded.

这一条迷信也是能够完全破除的。This fallacy can also be exploded.

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种族间的紧张关系爆发成骚乱。Racial tensions exploded into riots.

观众哄堂大笑。The audience exploded with laughter.

学生们哄然大笑。The students exploded into laughter.

爆竹在他手中炸响了。The firecracker exploded in his hand.

炸弹和其他爆炸物爆炸了。The bomb and other explosive exploded.

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中国小城市的数量爆炸似地增长。China's small cities exploded in number.

中国小城市的数量暴增。China’s small cities exploded in number.

炸弹在这座高楼附近爆炸了。The bomb exploded near the tall building.

在巴格达另两枚炸弹爆炸。Then two further bombs exploded in Bagdad.

突然,公路上窜出一辆疯狂的车。Abruptly, a crazy car exploded on the road.

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一个汽车炸弹在公交站爆炸。A car bomb exploded at a crowded bus station.

大约在公元前1470年夏天,圣多里尼火山爆发了。In summer, circa 1470 BC, Santorini exploded.

又一队喷气机雷鸣般地突破了音障。Another flight of jets exploded through sound.