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只是调了一下对比度!Anamnesis is the ashes of time.

同学须缴交病历表。Students should hand in the anamnesis record sheet.

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可以帮我些一份心肌炎的病历吗?。Can you help me the anamnesis of myositis of some of a heart?

我们是通过前世回忆而体会到这些概念的。We become aware of these ideas through recollection or anamnesis.

我们应当利用理想,信念,志向和积极思想去强化自己的自我意象。We should using ideal, faith, ambition and good anamnesis to aggrandizement the self-image of self.

马克思创立唯物史观是人类思想史上理论创新的典范。Marx constructing historical materialism is the apotheosis of theory innovation in human anamnesis history.

第二章重点论述萧氏父子的生平经历、个性思想及其与文学之关系。The second chapter discusses Si'Xiao's experience, individuality, anamnesis and its relation of literature.

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病人可以在家里让医生察看具体情况,检查X光片、查阅病历等资料。The patient can let a doctor look carefully at particular case in the home, examination X mating plate, consult the data such as anamnesis.

为有效调节和控制不同元件间的功率流,引入了模糊逻辑驱动控制策略和再生制动控制策略思想。To accommodate power flow of elements, anamnesis of fuzzy logic driven control strategy and regenerative braking control strategy is given.

结论奥拉西坦治疗治疗重型脑伤恢复期病人记忆与智能障碍有显著临床疗效。Conclusion To treat the impediment of anamnesis and aptitude in the convalescent patients with severe head injury by oxiracetam is clinical effective.

或许精神崩溃的时候,会使记忆暂时脱离现实,得到歇斯底里的舒解,但事后的痛楚却需要靠药物来控制。Maybe the time of snap , will make anamnesis awhile divorce from reality , gotten hysterical Shu untie, But matter hind pain-suffering just need depends drug come control.

我们现在已经证实,就一般来说,心理治疗师并不全然相信成立案例。就他的目标而言,临床的预诊也几乎是没有意义的。We have now established that the anamnesis appears more than usually suspect to the psychotherapist, and that clinical diagnosis is, for his purposes, well-nigh meaningless.

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摘要我国现行刑罚体系不经挤,应切实克服重刑思想,建立健全与刑罚轻缓化相配套的制度与措施。The current system of punishment is diseconomical we should get over the anamnesis of severe punishment constitute the system and measures which are matching to the venial penalty.

一位30岁的无显著既往史的妇女于孕22周时的一次例行超声检查时发现有腹水,于是于24周进行复查以明确。A 30-year old patient with unremarkable anamnesis was referred at 24 weeks for a second opinion. The pregnancy was uncomplicated but at 22 weeks a routine ultrasound examination discovered ascites.