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政治家必须有开创精神。A statesman must display initiative.

他是个声名显赫的政治家。He is a statesman of great eminence.

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政治家的特质为何?What are the attributes of the statesman?

政治家无法成为道德家。A statesman cannot afford to be a moralist.

那位政治家退戚时是纽约市市少。The statesman retired as the mayor of New York.

古罗马演说家、政治家西塞罗.M.T。M. T Cicero. Ancient Roman orator and statesman.

政治家是何许人也?政治家是啥玩意儿?N'est pas? Who is a statesman? What is a statesman?

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他第一次当选是在1976年,他是一个真正的政治家。He was first elected in 1976. He was a true statesman.

他具有近乎最能干的政治家的品质。He approaches to the character of the ablest statesman.

然而,“政治家”一词带有褒义色彩。However, the word "statesman" has a commendatory sense.

到1933年,任何一个有自尊心的政治家都要制订计划。By 1933 no self-respecting statesman was without a plan.

诸葛亮是三国时期一位杰出的政治家、军事家。Zhuge Liang was an outstanding statesman and strategist.

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这位总统是位应归入伟人之列的政治家。The president is a statesman who belongs among the great.

政治家剪羊毛,政客则连羊皮也剥掉。The statesman shears the sheep, the politician skins them.

撒路斯提乌斯是罗马共和时期的政治家、史家。Sallustius was a statesman and historian of Roman Republic.

法国政治家、总统弗朗索瓦·密特朗出生。Francois Mitterrand, French statesman and President, was born.

那个政治家因泄漏许多国家最高机密而被放逐。The statesman is ostracize because he betray many top secrets.

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梁启超近代中国著名的报刊活动家和政论家。Liang Qichao was a famous activist and statesman in mod ern China.

裴度是一位富有文才的政治家。The author holds that Pei Du was a statesman rich in Literarytalent.

作为一个政治家,周恩来总理在世界上享有很高的声誉。Premier Zhou Enlai has a high reputation as a statesman in the world.