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这真是不可能,屋大维?。It's not possible. Octavian?

在公元前30年,渥大维自立为帝。In 30 B. C. Octavian set himself up as emperor.

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屋大维成为了一个新时代的开国皇帝。Octavian became the first emperor of a new era.

屋大维获胜了,击败了马克·安东尼。Octavian won, and Octavian defeated Mark Antony.

屋大维不能向他的对手马克。安东尼下手。Octavian cannot attack Mark Antony who is his rival.

布朗对屋大维的性格剖析慢慢成形。Brown's profile of Octavian is beginning to take shape.

她招来随从,嘱他将银玫瑰交给奥克塔维伯爵。She summons her page and sends Octavian the silver rose.

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所以我认为屋大维是最有可能的疑凶。So I'd say that Octavian looks like a very good suspect.

奥克塔维伯爵回到玛莎琳公主身边时,惊讶地发现,公主的心情忧郁。The returning Octavian is surprised to find her in a melancholy mood.

屋大维是克利奥帕特拉离奇死亡一案的第一疑凶。Octavian is now Brown's prime suspect in Cleopatra's suspicious death.

她将迷惑不解的奥克塔维交给苏菲,静静离去。She gives the bewildered Octavian to Sophie and quietly leaves the room.

一般认为屋大维是最伟大的罗马皇帝之一。Is generally believed that Octavian is one of the greatest Roman emperor.

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屋大维也是罗马帝国王位的有力争夺者。Octavian was a man who was also in line for the throne of the Roman Empire.

因为最终马克·安东尼与屋大维,展开了内战。Because at the end it turned out that Mark Antony and Octavian fought a civil war.

公元前27年的今天,罗马元老院授予屋大维“奥古斯都”称号。BC – The title Augustus is bestowed upon Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian by the Roman Senate.

根据布朗的推断,屋大维会不顾一切消灭塞瑟瑞安和克利奥帕特拉。In Pat Brown's judgment Octavian would stop at nothing to destroy Caesarion and Cleopatra.

奥克塔维脱下伪装,玛莎琳公主向奥斯解释,一切不过是场闹剧。Octavian takes off his disguise and the Marschallin explains to Ochs that it was all a farce.

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安东尼试图刺激屋大维与他一对一地决斗,但没有成功,被迫逃回城中。Antony tries to goad Octavian into single combat, but is finally forced to flee into the city.

奥斯男爵开始与富商梵尼罗商谈婚约之事,而苏菲则向奥克塔维伯爵求助。The baron goes off to discuss the wedding contract with Faninal, and Sophie asks Octavian for help.

奥克塔维怒火中烧,用剑刺伤奥斯的手臂,奥斯夸张地要求请医生来为他疗伤。The outraged Octavian grazes the baron's arm with his rapier and Ochs melodramatically calls for a doctor.