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他捆上包裹。He tied the parcel.

那两队不分胜负。The two teams tied.

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我捆好包裹。I tied up the parcel.

她把盖子拴紧了。She tied the lid down.

你绑上了没有?Have you tied the knot?

蓝松鸦把围巾系上去。Blue Jay tied the scarf.

我们被燃料死死地绑住了。We are tied down by fuel.

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两脚好象都系得紧紧的。Both seemed securely tied.

我已捆好了包裹。I have tied up the bundle.

他们把他们的马拴起来了。They tied up their horses.

我们将小船拴在码头。We tied the boat to a pier.

易寒子被绑在帐篷内。Easy Hanzi tied in the tent.

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他把马系在柱子上。He tied the horse to a post.

他工作忙得脱不了身。He was tied down to his job.

求你告诉我,当用何法捆绑你。Tell me how you can be tied.

双方打成15平。The two teams tied at 15-15.

我们赢了四场,平六场。We won four times, tied six.

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我整天都被工作缠着。I am tied to my work all day.

她和对手不分胜负。She tied with her competitor.

这些枯枝被捆在一起。The sticks are tied together.