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他的眼珠热切地转动着。His eyes goggled with eagerness.

你突然显得那么急切,这是什么意思?What sudden eagerness is this you evince?

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梅尔夫人注意到了这种郑重其事的脸色。Madame Merle appeared to note this eagerness.

他满含渴望的双眼专注地望着她。He stared at her with his eyes filled with eagerness.

他拆信时因急切而双手发抖。His hands trembled with eagerness as he opened the letter.

她拆信时,急得双手发抖。Her hands trembled with eagerness as she opened the letter.

由于急着要看信,拆信时,她的手都发抖了。Her hands were trembling with eagerness as she opened the letter.

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虽说他很聪明,却不能掩饰他亟于获得赞扬的神情。Though he was clever, he couldn't conceal his eagerness for praise.

我理解他们希望你作主要发言人的殷切心情。I can understand their eagerness that you should be the main speaker.

我就绪待发,我期盼的帆已张满,等待风起。Ready am I to go, and my eagerness with sails full set awaits the wind.

正要出发,我的热望扯满帆篷等待风起。Ready am i to go, and my eagerness with set sails full awaits the wind.

如是没落,暗淡之光燃起夜的渴望!Thus down-going, the darkening of light ignites the eagerness of night!

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大雨带给我的烦恼顿时消散,想要逃离的欲望也不复存在。My annoyance at the rain was gone and my eagerness to escape it vanished.

手机反映出我们的“社交饥渴症”。The mobile phone reflects our eagerness to communicate with other people.

他求胜心切,但这并不能反抗得住对手的健壮与技艺。His eagerness will not avail against the fitness and skill of his opponent.

没有对成就的这种热切渴盼,就不会有激情去全力以赴。Without such strong eagerness for success, he has no passion to do his best.

由于事必躬亲,他的急性子常被视为是一种傲慢。He had always been a "doer, " and his eagerness was often taken as arrogance.

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凯瑟琳带着紧张的热切神情,盯着她卧房的门口。With straining eagerness Catherine gazed towards the entrance of her chamber.

赔偿金额相对较高,反映出矿主急于压制怨言。The relatively high sums reflected the owners’ eagerness to suppress complaints.

他的声音听起来更大更响了,好像他被欲望和狂怒烧着了一样。His voice sounded louder and higher, as if he were afire with eagerness and rage.