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想象着它当年辉煌的样子。I can image the refulgent look at that time.

如果爱情黯淡,就让回忆灿烂。If love is sadden then let the memory be refulgent.

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总盯着了不起的过去,就不会有了不起的将来。Always gazing at marvelous past will not bring about any refulgent future.

“兰格”在装饰领域要创造更加辉煌的明天。"Lange" wants to create more refulgent tomorrow in the field of decoration.

辉煌是想象中的辉煌,现实则是辛酸和充满挣扎。Refulgent phenomena is not real, the true-life is full of bitterness and contradiction.

公司在此衷心的感谢各位的支持,让我们携手并肩一起成长,共创美好明天!We thank you sincerely for your support, and hope we create the refulgent future together!

谨此我们诚挚的希望能与您建立友好的合作关系,共创辉煌!We sincerely wish to set up friendly cooperating relationship with your esteemed company create a refulgent future together!

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该产品是我公司生产销售5年之久的产品,目前已全面占有国内市场和海外市场。Our mould making engraver has 5 years refulgent history and have great function in the markets of the overseas and the domestic.

中东地区曾有过辉煌的历史,只是在近代以来衰落了,目前仍处在不发达状况。Middle East has declined since modern era and still now in status of underdevelopment, however it had possessed of refulgent history.

陪审制度起源于古希腊和古罗马,产生并发展于英国,辉煌于美国,改造于法、德等国家。It is traceable to the ancient Greek and Rome, born and develops in the England, is refulgent in America and alters in France and Germany.

FIYING经过管理变革,背靠优秀独特的公会文化,通过实施多元化、夸游戏的发展战略,定会迎来更加辉煌的明天!According to the special and excellent culture, actualizing element and dealing with more games, our FIYING will meet a more refulgent day!

公司的全体员工将本着“让你我做得更好”的理念,与您一同携手、开创更加辉煌的明天。All the employees of the company will keep on the idea of "Let's make better", hand in hand with you to create the more refulgent tomorrow!

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本公司真诚欢迎海内外客商莅临指导,携手合作,共创事业辉煌。Our Company sincerely welcomes clients both at home and abroad to visit and coach us, cooperate with us and create refulgent career together.

本厂真诚欢迎海内外客商莅临指导,携手合作,共创事业辉煌。Our factory sincerely welcomes clients both at home and abroad to visit and coach us, cooperate with us and create refulgent career together.

情感区的发展和进步需要你们的帮助!我希望我们能一起把情感区建设得更加辉煌!谢谢!The development and progress of sentiment-area need your support! I hope that all of us will get together to build sentiment-area more refulgent ! thank you!

以永不满足、锲而不舍的进取心,把握时代赋予的契机,努力开创更加璀璨、辉煌的明天。We have insatiable and perseverant enterprise, grasp opportunities that the era have entrusted and make great effort to create brighter and refulgent tomorrow.

家族企业经历一段创业辉煌后,眼下已走到裂变的十字路口,面临着成长的挑战,企业成长意味着管理资源的增加,尤其是人力资源的扩充。After experiencing a refulgent period of carving out, the familial enterprises have reached a crossroad of fission, and been facing to the challenge of growing up.