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是的,上周解散了。Yeah,BOCOG declared its dismission last week.

可恶,妳这溜班的混球,准备被开除吧!Damned! You irresponsible bastard, get ready for your dismission !

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一○会务工作人员之职称、名额、聘雇及解职。The title, number, appointment and dismission of working staff of educational associations.

九会员代表及理事、监事之名额、权限、任期及选任与解任。The number, office term, appointment and dismission of member representatives, directors and supervisors.

高校青年教师组织承诺和离职状况在婚姻状况方面无显著差异。It is of no significance about organizational commitment and dismission situation of the young faculty's in marriage.

离职原因有观念问题、心理问题、工作氛围问题、自身素质问题等。It is assumed that many reasons account for dismission such as concept, psychology, work environment, personal quality, etc.

我想回沈阳到原单位完善一些离职手续,办理一些人事证明,需要请假。I need to consummate my dismission procedure and transact few matters about the certificate of HR in my former company in Shenyang!

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就企业而言,涉及到人力资源的获取、开发、使用、保障和离职等方面的内容。In terms of the enterprise , it involved the acquirement , development , using , guarantee , dismission and other aspects of the human resource.

公司注销作为公司解散、清算的后续步骤,是对公司主体法人资格消灭的确认。The cancellation of company, as subsequent step of dismission and liquidation, is the confirmation of loss of company's main corporation qualification.

九会员代表之名额及其产生标准。一○理事、监事之名额、职权、任期、选任及解职。The number and criteria of selection of member representatives 10. The number, office term, authorities, election and dismission of directors and supervisors.

离职竞业禁止协议由于涉及太多的矛盾与冲突,其效力一直受到国内外学者的关注和质疑。Because of many contradictions and conflicts, the effectiveness of the dismission agreement of competition trade inhibition has been concerned and oppugned all along.

已将所有离职人员档案用文件分类存底,确保员工的档案万无一失,并能清楚显示离职人员的离职原因。We had kept a file copy of all the sorted documents of all the dismission personnel, which can ensure all those records be kept well and shown clearly about the dismmission reason.

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那种认为“当公务员就是当官”,跨进政府大门就如同进了“保险箱”,每天可以过着“八点上班九点到、一杯茶水一张报”的清闲生活的想法,实际上是对公务员职业的误解。They are not necessarily involved in the competition, though. The notion that being a public servant means comfort and freedom from dismission is nothing but a misunderstanding of the profession.