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设菲尔德的公司后来成为高露洁。Sheffield's company was to become Colgate.

受影响的牙膏品牌包括佳洁士和高露洁。Toothpaste brands affected include Crest and Colgate.

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你的牙齿看上去永远不会像高露洁牙膏广告模特的那么完美无缺。Your teeth will never look as perfect as the models in Colgate ads.

你的牙齿看上去永远不会像高露洁牙膏广告的模特那么完美无缺。Your teeth will never look as perfect as the models' in Colgate ads.

夏天是用户最渴望冰爽感觉的季节,也是高露洁冰爽牙膏的销售旺季。Summer is a season users desire a cool feeling the most, and a peak season of sales of Colgate Bingshuang.

通常年轻人用泰诺或者高露洁都是因为他们的父母在他们小的时候就让他们刻上了这些品牌观念。Often young adults use Tylenol or Colgate because their parents introduced them to the brands when they were young.

这些标有“高露洁口腔护理”的容量为100ml的牙膏于11月28号到12月5号期间在连锁店中出售。The 100ml tubes labelled as Colgate Cavity Protection were sold in the chains' outlets between 28 November and 5 December.

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目前,作为全球口腔护理产品的领导者,高露洁在122多个国家的牙膏市场占有量率处于第一地位。As the global leader in the areas of Oral Care, Colgate currently has the largest toothpaste market shares in 122 countries.

高露洁冰爽是一款针对年轻人的产品,含冰爽珠子可以瞬间给人冰爽清新的感觉。Colgate Bingshuang is designed for young people. The icy cool particles can provide you with a feeling of cool and refreshing.

纳斯达克会宣传和支持高露洁公司所作出的努力,并将其展现在世人面前。NASDAQ will partner with Colgate-Palmolive to provide exposure and support or its ecumenical efforts, including the Colgate Women's Games.

高露洁在强调自己“防蛀”领域的优势的同时,也看到了中国人对中草药疗效的信任。On seeing the trust in the effects of herbal formula on oral diseases, Colgate reserved the formula of Jie Yin in the process of brand reforming.

研究合著者、科尔盖特大学天文学兼人类学教授安东尼-艾凡尼表示,在2012年结束的只是其中一个历法周期。All that ended in 2012 was one of its calendar cycles, said co-author Anthony Aveni, professor of astronomy and anthropology at Colgate University.

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更让人瞠目结舌的是,一支120克的云南白药牙膏销售定价为22元,比高露洁和佳洁士这样的品牌还贵了1倍。Even more shocking is that a 120 grams of Yunnanbaiyao toothpaste sales price of 22 yuan, Colgate and Crest brands such times is also expensive one.

纽约科尔盖特大学的传媒教授基廷认为,在与电视观众交流时,两位候选人都有可圈可点的表现。Professor Caroline Keating, a communications expert at Colgate University in New York, says both men had moments when they were effective in connecting with the television audience.

当你的宝宝可以学会自己吐出牙膏,高露洁建议您转换含氟的牙膏给宝宝使用,以帮助建立健康的牙齿和防止蛀牙。Once your child demonstrates the ability to spit out toothpaste into the sink, Colgate recommend you switch to Colgate Toothpaste with flouride to help strengthen and protect teeth from cavities.