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她是一位勇敢的骑手。She is a nerveless rider.

那把刀从他软弱无力的手中落下。The knife fell from his nerveless hand.

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刀子从她那无力的手指中落下。The knife fell from her nerveless fingers.

刀从她无力的手里落下。The knife fell from her nerveless fingers.

刀子从她那有力的手中落下。The knife fell from her nerveless fingers.

乔的烟斗接着也掉了。Joe's pipe dropped from his nerveless fingers.

一个衰弱,软弱无力的笨蛋,缺乏敏捷的活力。A weak, nerveless fool, devoid of energy and promptitude.

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文字语言有时候是最苍白无力的。Sometimes the writing language is the most pale and nerveless.

炎弃无力的扶额,没有时间犹豫和软弱了。Burning leave nerveless hand a amount, have not time hesitant and languid.

之敏笑得无力的坐在地上,一只手拉着王玉的胳膊。It is quick to smile nerveless sit on the ground, a hand pull Wang2 Yu4's arm.

但是,她现在已经变成了一个胆怯的女人,怎么也不敢去转动门上的把手。But, nerveless woman as she had now become, she could not bring herself to attempt the handle.

“你随便吧!”老师脸色苍白,无可奈何有气无力的回答。"You literally! "The facial expression of the teacher is pale, helpless have spirit nerveless answer.

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飞贼。他无力的手指在脖子上挂的皮袋里摸索了一会儿,把它掏了出来。The Snitch. His nerveless fingers fumbled for a moment with the pouch at his neck and he pulled it out.

阵阵酥麻从她舌尖传开,崩紧的身体无力的软了下来。Is again numb and weak to obtain overseas from her peak of the tongue, collapse tight body nerveless soft come down.

我踏上了学校门前的石阶,心脏仍在发热,我在按铃的手,似乎已经失去了力量。My heart was still pounding as I climbed the school steps, and it was with a nerveless hand that I pressed the bell.

树枝从他的手中无力地掉了下来,就象一枝箭刺穿了他的心。慢慢地,他转过头看着这个高高在上的身形。The twig dropped from his nerveless fingers as though an arrow had pierced his heart. Slowly he turned to look at the looming shape.

舒儿有气无力的坐在靠窗的一个桌子旁,油腻腻的桌子让她有些不自在。The comfortable son has pester nerveless sit at rely a window of a table side, greasy the table getting abhorrent to make her some uneasiness.

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重叠共识理念有益于化解自由主义面临的困境,约翰•格雷的“权宜之计”理念对罗尔斯的“重叠共识”理念的批判是无力的。Overlapping consensus is good for dissolving the predicament that the liberalism faces, and John Gray's criticism of overlapping consensus is nerveless.

伊涅斯塔在决赛中那粒无畏的进球,不仅证明了他对西班牙队的价值,也展示给世人自己缘何被称为比赛中最重要的前腰。His nerveless winning goal in the final summed up his value to Spain and demonstrated why he is widely regarded as the foremost attacking midfielder in the game.

那个赛季阿森纳没能夺冠,但是科尔展示出了他的个性,在加迪夫足总杯决赛上和曼联点球大战上他一记轻松点球破门。The title eluded Arsenal that season but Cole showed his character with a nerveless spot-kick in the FA Cup Final penalty shoot-out victory against Manchester United in Cardiff.