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即使对方知道这一点,也会一本正经地点头同意。Even the ones who understand may nod sagely.

教授狡诘地笑着接了一句。The professor smiles sagely at the underling.

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“我知道,但是这个是苹果”我回答道,然后我给他看怎么打开封面并自动开启iPad。“I know, ” I replied sagely. “But this is Apple.”

诸佛圣力,诸佛世界,亦不可思议。The sagely power of all Buddhas and all the Buddhas' Worlds are inconceivable.

在圣城求学不只影响了我个人,也影响了我远在马来西亚的父母们。My studying at the Sagely City has influenced not only me, but also my parents back in Malaysia.

来到这里,就是要改掉我们的习气,才能转凡修圣。We come here to change our habits so we can turn away from the ordinary to cultivate the sagely.

本产品安全有效,超过了传统的钻井泥浆、修井和完井液。This product sagely and effectively breaks conventional drilling mud, workover and completion polymers.

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尼莫伊郑重地点点头,然后对他们说,“好吧,显然你们前进的方向是正确的。”Mr. Nimoy nods sagely and intones to each one, “Well, it certainly looks like you’re headed in the right direction.”

“她已经开始想她的妈妈了。”奥比万发表睿智的评论,这时莱娅已经习惯被他抱着了,不过阿纳金摇了摇头。"She's missing her mother already, "observed Obi-Wan sagely as Leia settled into his arms, but Anakin shook his head.

结束了佛堂的早课,万佛城附设中、小学的学生准备回教室上「正课」。After a morning service, students at the middle and primary schools affiliated with the Sagely City return to the classroom.

这份条例还不忘明智地建议未来的的自行车骑警选择带衬垫的短裤“以确保骑行舒适”,并提醒他们在骑车前要吃饱喝足。Prospective police bike-riders are sagely advised to wear padded shorts "for in-saddle comfort" and reminded to eat and drink enough.

“管得最少的政府是最好的政府,”美国人会摆出一副明智的样子,互相点着头说类似“不要让政府管我的事”这种话。"That government governs best that governs least", Americans will nod sagely to each other, or, similarly, "Keep the government's nose out of my business".

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你拒绝了乔治·富尔曼烤炉是因为你明智地计算了这些钱可以更好地花费在一些地方,可以说花在你孩子地学习资金中,或者至少花在心情时钟上。You pass up the George Foreman grill because you sagely calculate that the money would be better spent on, say, your child's college fund. Or at least the mood clock.

如果问一位在朱巴的丁卡部落男子是否对投票的延迟失望,他会聪明的回答自己很有信心最终会开放,在“非洲时间”。Asked if he was disappointed at the tardiness of the polls, one Dinka tribesman in Juba sagely replied that he was confident they would open eventually, on “African time”.

几年前,我被邀请参加一群机械工程系学生的集会。他们许多临近毕业,与他们谈论毕业后的事业和生活是十分明智的。Some years ago I had been asked to join a gathering of mechanical engineering students, many close to graduation, to talk with them sagely about their careers and life after graduation.