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确保它是一个合法的报道失实。Make sure it is a legitimate inaccuracy.

这张蓝图有点不准。There is a slight inaccuracy in this blueprint.

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但篮板弥补了他在命中率方面的劣势。Rebounding was his way of atoning for his inaccuracy.

打个马虎眼有时可省却许多口舌来解释。A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation.

ITF不在为材料做广告为任何错误或不确负责。ITF will not be responsible for any error or inaccuracy in advertising material.

可是,许多媒体都转载了埃非亚斯·多吉指责传记错误百出的话。And yet Elphias Doge's accusations of inaccuracy have been echoed in many places.

使用力反馈设备的系统,不仅价格昂贵、灵活性差,而且精度不高。The system use of force feedback devices is not only expensive, poor flexibility, but inaccuracy.

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他读着报纸,大声评论关于他自己的报道的准确之处与失实之处。He read the newspaper , commenting aloud on the accuracy or inaccuracy of the stories about himself.

在基因表达谱数据获取过程中,基因表达谱数据含有较大的实验误差。There is some obvious inaccuracy of gene expression in the experiment to obtain the gene expression data.

该方法可以解决由于遮蔽的总日射表校准因子不准确而产生的误差。This method may avoid the error caused by inaccuracy in the calibration factor of the shaded pyranometer.

偏差主要是由于FG-DVC模型中提供的有关动力学参数不准确所导致。The error was caused by the inaccuracy of the kinetic parameters of the main species provided by FG-DVC model.

传统的静压气体径向轴承由于低刚度而存在着振动和运动精度不高的问题。Conventional aerostatic bearings have the problems of vibrations and motion inaccuracy due to the low stiffness.

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论文也根据行业实践经验,进一步探讨了影响决策或造成不准确原因的一些因素。Furthermore, this paper analyzes the factors which influence the inaccuracy of aircraft model choice decision-making.

英文中可能会充满了错误与不当,英语好的朋友要帮我指正哦。Maybe this blog have alot of inaccuracy and solecism, hence, If you specialize in English, help me correct it, Thanks!

前者是个可克服的技术问题,后者是一般波速比方法本身固有的。The former, which is a technical problem, may be resoluble while the inaccuracy of the latter is innate in tne method itself.

这可能是核形变及核子对效应造成的,试验中的测量误差也不可忽视。This might be caused by nuclear deformation and nucleon pair effect, and the experimental inaccuracy should not be neglected.

进行噪声系数测量时,理当知道的一个要害参数是测量的不确定度。When undertaking noise coefficient is measured, a crucial parameter that ought to know is metrical inaccuracy is spent surely.

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新闻工作者不应助长成见,那是一种认知上的懒惰,并可能导致误解和差错。Journalists should not reinforce stereotypes. The practice is intellectually lazy and can lead to misperceptions and inaccuracy.

这将导致油环开采和底水锥进的模拟动态指标产生较大的偏差。This may cause the result, which predict the effect of the oil rim exploitation and the fingering of the water, to be inaccuracy.

传统的微处理器对交流异步电机矢量控制,存在着速度和精度的缺陷。AC asynchronous motor closed circuit vector's control system with former microprocessor is characterized by low speed and inaccuracy.