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这里有张照片。Here is a pic.

参看右边的图。See pic at right.

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我可以重新映射PIC吗?Can I remap the PIC?

美丽的照片,非常好,我喜欢。Very beautiful pic. I like it.

点击这里看大图。Click here to see enlarged pic.

乔布斯展示了他跟沃兹的老照片。He showed a pic of him and Woz!

海的一天。Such a gorgeous pic of the sea.

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又会咁奇怪落过雪仲有绿色既草既你…Wanna to see the pic with snow?

我还使用pic制作了所有插图。I also use pic for all the figures.

我没有注意到,直到我看到了知情同意。I didn't notice until I saw the pic.

房子在摇晃,书架上的画框掉落下来。House was shaking. Pic fell off bookcase.

还是你的商业网站设计上需要一张图片?Need a pic for your commercial website design?

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赫雷什一个与我的研磨成立立场的照片。Heres a pic of the stand with my grinding set up.

在这第一峰,您可以看到夹具的主要部分。In this first pic you can see the main part of the jig.

本论文是针对功率集成电路中闩锁失效问题的研究。This paper is studied about the Latch-up effect in PIC.

以下一些照片是来自上星期跟这星期在日月湾的照片。Below are some Pic from last week and this week in of us.

我有话对你说,盖住这张图的上部分。I have something to tell you, cover the top half of this pic.

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在你渲染之前,你需要选择一个光源。Before you render, you must choose a light source for the pic.

毫无疑问,她是头重脚轻。我喜欢她的车队在第一峰。No doubt she is top heavy. I like her outfit in the first pic.

我明天会将自己跟穿着那惊吓内裤的那人的合照贴上来的!I'll send you a pic of me with the shocking underwear wearer 2mo!