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利用PCR技术检测性病病原体,可有效的预防,治疗和控制性病。Testing VD pathogen through PCR may efficaciously prevent, cure and control VD.

要真正有效地实现低代价发展,关键是要构建一种低代价的发展模式。To fulfill it efficaciously , the key is to constitute a low-cost developing pattern.

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修辞是最有效地运用语言,使语言能很好的表达思想感情的一种艺术。Rhetorics is an art of using language effectively and expressing feelings efficaciously.

安徽省出了禽流感病例,但目前已经得到了有效的控制。A Avian Influenza case appeared in Anhui province , which has been controlled efficaciously.

汽车轻量化后可以有效地节约能源和减少环境污染。Automobile lightening can efficaciously economize energy and decrease environmental pollution.

如何有效地组织和开展网上教学是目前远程开放教育所关心的热点话题。It is a hot topic in Open and Distance Education that how to organize and carry out e-learning efficaciously.

结果表明,菌痢消颗粒能安全、有效地治疗猪、鸡细菌性下痢。The results show that Junlixiao granule can cure pig and chicken bacillary dysentery safely and efficaciously.

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提高转炉供氧强度可以有效地缩短每炉钢的吹氧时间。The time of blowing oxygen can be shorten efficaciously by increasing supplying oxygen intensity in converter.

如何有效地利用视频资源提高课堂教学效果成为关注的问题。And how to enhance the classroom teaching effects by using video resource efficaciously is a great concern of all.

研究表明,轨迹中点图能够简便而有效地描述弹球系统的动力学行为。This indicated that the midpoint diagram can simply and efficaciously describe the dynamical behavior of the billiard system.

齿轮箱采用了定轴行星机构的新型结构设计,既提高了传动精度又有效地控制了传动噪音。Gear box is taken new structure of design , which can improve transmission accuracy and reduce tranmission noise efficaciously.

农业科技成果转化问题多年来没有得到有效解决,原因是多方面的。The reason, for which the problem of the transformation of scientific and technologic results has not been solved efficaciously.

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实践证明该技术能有效提高图像的信噪比,从而达到有效分割和快速检测小目标的目的。The result of experiment shows that the arithmetic can raise the SNR and quickly segment the image and efficaciously detect the target.

实验室试验结果表明该检测仪能有效地检测出直流合成绝缘子内导通性故障且灵敏度较高。Lab test shows that the detector can efficaciously detect the internal conductive defect of DC composite insulators with quite high sensitivity.

大六技能能有效解决资讯问题,其中以工作定义的界定问题及确认完成任务所需资讯最为重要。Big six skills can solving information problem efficaciously , and task definition which define problem and check the information is most important.

随着集成电路的发展,传统的测试方法已经很难对复杂电路进行高速有效的测试。With the development of intergrated circuit, it is difficult to test the complicated circuit quickly and efficaciously used traditional test method.

大量科学研究证明,如果一个人有计划地食用抗氧化营养剂便可以有效预防疾病。Many scientific research results show that diseases will be prevented efficaciously if a person regularly takes antioxidant supplements in a planned way.

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有效去除老化角质细胞,硬化毛孔内的固化脂质,肃清毛孔内顽固污垢与死皮。Efficaciously get ride of ageing corneous cells, soften solid fat in the pores, clean away obstinate dirt inside the pores, and clean the dead skinned cells.

设计了一种新型实用的内管贯通式太阳能集热管,可以快速、高效地将太阳能转换为热能。This paper designed a new and practical inner pipe-through collecting tube which can transform the solar energy into the heat energy quickly and efficaciously.

选择合适的隔振减振装置,有效地降低了齿轮箱和发电机由于振动而产生的噪音。Select suitable equipment of vibration seperation and vibration reduction, which can reduce the noise made by vibration of gear box and generator efficaciously.