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我们的船靠向码头。Our ship is on to the wharf.

然后我们去了渔人码头。Then we went to Fisherman's Wharf.

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在金丝雀码头撑下去。I work as an escort in Canary Wharf.

请送我去渔人码头好吗?Please take me to Fisherman's Wharf?

码头上我们有两架装卸桥。We have two portainers on the wharf.

这辆公车有没有到渔人码头?。Does this bus go to Fisherman 's Wharf?

码头上我们有二辆装卸桥吊。We have only two portainers on the wharf.

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船夫用竿把船推离码头。The boatmen boomed the boat off the wharf.

渔人码头海鲜风味街。Fisherman Wharf and Seafood Cuisine Street.

易志明说,九龙仓计划保留天星小轮。Wharf plans to keep the ferry, Mr. Yick said.

金丝雀码头有哪些公司?What kind of companies are here in Canary Wharf?

银行延伸段及加拿利码头站启用。Bank Extension opens. Canary Wharf station opens.

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一个月以后,我便在普次茅斯的码头登岸了。A month later, I landed in the wharf of Portsmouth.

不过仅仅两天之后,KP2就再次回到了码头。But just two days later, KP2 was at the wharf again.

阿信,伯父、伯母都会到码头迎接你吧!Letter, uncle, aunts will arrive wharf to greet you!

欢迎来到伦敦金丝雀码头四季酒店。Welcome to Four Seasons Hotel London at Canary Wharf.

乘客们在码头上等待搭船。Passengers were waiting on the wharf to board the ship.

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那天晚些时候,在伦敦金丝雀码头,一枚炸弹爆炸了。Later that day a bomb exploded at Canary Wharf in London.

某扶壁码头被船碰撞后损坏严重。A buttressed wharf damaged severely after collision by ship.

因为该部分经常与码头碰擦而严重锈蚀。As it often rubs against the wharf and has rusted seriously.