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多少蚂蚁是一家?。How Many Ants in an Anthill?

最好是一个没有蚁冢的树篱。Preferably one without an anthill.

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我们是一群蚂蚁,拥挤在蚁丘之上。We are anthill men upon an anthill world.

我希望投入蚁山去观察蚂蚁的生活。I wanted to dived into the anthill to observe the ants' life.

一粒霉菌是一簇美不胜收的花朵,一撮星云是无数天体的蚁聚。A bit of mould is a pleiad of flowers, a nebula is an anthill of stars.

上帝是个坏小孩,他坐在那里,手上拿着放大镜。God is a mean kid sitting on an anthill with a magnifying glass, and I'm the ant.

是的,这要非常非常有勇气。你可以和一只猴子或者一大堆蚂蚁一起跳。Yeah, it's very, very spunky . You can do it with a monkey or an anthill full of ants.

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我们就像是生活在一个巨大的蚁丘中的蚂蚁,即使在我们不想工作的时候也要完成任务。We’re like ants in a large anthill and we carry out our tasks, even when we don’t want to.

在路上,他看到了一些蚂蚁。蚂蚁们很伤心,因为熊破坏了蚁丘。Along the way, he found some ants, who were very sad because a bear had destroyed their anthill.

门一开,韦斯莱先生走了进来,一边还在跟一个老女巫说话,她那浅黄色发髻高得像蚁丘。Weasley walked inside, talking to an elderly witch whose blonde hair was teased so high it resembled an anthill.

兔子窝里的蚁冢,混杂中东市集的异国情调,以及新奥尔良的巫毒魅力。An anthill inside a rabbit warren, with all the exoticism of a Middle Eastern bazaar and a touch of New Orleans voodoo.

消费者可以不再强制性的身着难看的制服并可以自由的购买各种消费品。And consumers are permitted to escape the compulsory anthill uniformity of clothing and to buy a variety of consumer goods.

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蚁后数与小兵蚁数、主巢体积和蚁后体积间呈线性回归关系。The number of queens was linearly related to the number of little soldiers, the volume of the anthill and the volume of queen.

再一次强调,没人说中国已经成为或者将要成为自由至少主义的天堂,但与自由至少主义相对立的毛主义确实已遥遥欲坠。Again, no one is saying that China is or will soon become a libertarian paradise, but the contrast with anthill Maoism is staggering.

不再从凝视人群密集的地方感受快乐和惊惧,不再观察未来生活的神秘,你决定忘掉这些小小的欢愉。Instead of feeling happiness and awe from staring at an anthill and watching the mysteries of life unfold, you decided to forget those small pleasures.