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油和水不相融。Oil and water will not intermingle.

斑点没有混合比较好。The less the spots intermingle the better.

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糖和盐相互混合在一起。Salt and sugar intermingle with each other.

这些字符将作为每一个共鸣交融球员沮丧和乐趣。These characters will resonate with every golfer as frustration and fun intermingle.

边缘的肿瘤细胞与周围的胃壁细胞互相混合。Tumor cells at the margin may intermingle with cells of the surrounding gastric wall.

可塑性的成熟红水果的芳香混合了新鲜咖啡豆和摩卡咖啡的香味,令人陶醉。Unctuous ripe red fruit aromas intermingle with hints of freshly ground coffee beans and mocha.

头部的褐色不能延伸到颈部,也不能出现乌黑色或暗黑色被毛与其它褐色被毛混合的现象。Tan on head not to extend on to neck, nor must any sooty or dark hair intermingle with any of tan.

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可以简单的联想一下作为老板身份又同时是岳母身份的笑话也许会让夏安混淆不清。Just imagine all of the potential mother-in-law jokes and boss jokes that might otherwise intermingle.

因为其有两个行为,所以您可能会弄混代码,使其更难理解和维护。Because it has two behaviors, you tend to intermingle the code, making it harder to understand and maintain.

恢宏的建筑、古老的宅院、整洁的公园融会了现代技术和风尚。Grand architecture, historic homesteads and immaculate parks intermingle with the technology and style of modern life.

离心机主轴径向振动信号属微弱信号,混有较大的噪声和干扰。The radial vibration signals of the centrifuge's spindle are faint, which intermingle with strong noise and disturbance.

钪是一种稀散型元素,在自然界大多以掺杂的形式存在于其它矿物中。Scandium is a kind of sparsity and spread around element. In the nature, it mostly exists in other minerals in the form of intermingle.

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凯尔特人相信所有空间和时间的法律在此期间暂停,让世界的精神与生活混为一谈。The Celts believed all laws of space and time were suspended during this time, allowing the spirit world to intermingle with the living.

居尔特人相信所有的宇宙和时间规则都在这段时间内中止,允许灵魂进入活人的体内。The Celts believed all laws of space and time were suspended during this time, allowing the spirit world to intermingle with the living.

碰上恰到好处的天气时,两种气味就混在一起,仿佛一个巨大、隐形的花生酱夹心圆杯巧克力从天而降。When the weather is just right, the two aromas intermingle and it's like a huge, invisible peanut butter cup descending from the heavens.

这是私人的'塔季扬娜'传奇性和行动,其中一个美丽的女孩和铸造时代袍充分交融的第二部分。This is the second part of Private's 'Tatiana' saga in which sex and action intermingle with a cast full of beautiful girls and epoch gowns.

人们期待已久的环球资讯决定放弃掺入广告效应的搜索引擎。People looking for content online have long decided to abandon the use of search engines that try and intermingle advertising with actual results.

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兽用生物制品生产企业实施兽药GMP管理是提高竞争力和产品质量的有效途径。The intermingle of good and bad in enterprise management, however, result in problems of veterinary drug GMP quality management system when it works.

然而你们的政府现在也与这些存有在联系,地心列姆利亚文明并不愿意在目前与地表人混居在一起。While your government is in contact with these now, there is no desire of the inner Earth LeMurian civilization to intermingle with mankind in the current.

在该图像中,尘埃为红色,热气体为绿色,气体与尘埃混合处为白色,前景和背景中的恒星遍布整个图像。In the image, dust is red, hot gas is green and white is where gas and dust intermingle. Foreground and background stars appear scattered through the image.