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他是一个典型的好炫耀者,有一种近乎傲慢的自负。He was a typical showman with a brashness bordering on arrogance.

这样一个高调的人将自己的人生看作是一场戏剧是不足为奇的。It's not surprising that such a showman sees his life as a drama.

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麦昆是时尚界的表演者,对时尚有着很高的期望。Mr. McQueen was a showman with very high expectations for fashion.

诺兰先生在这里玩火,但部分是因为他喜欢这调调。Mr. Nolan is playing with fire here, but partly because he’s a showman.

在技术层面乔丹是一个伟大的运动员,而且他也是一个伟大的做秀男。He's a great player in the technical sense, but is also a great showman.

我知道阿拉法特很会做秀,他可能会在握手后试图亲吻拉宾。I knew Arafat was a great showman and might try to kiss Rabin after the handshake.

职业生涯的多数时候,他都是扮演着疯狂得分王的角色。For most of his career, Iverson has been the quintessential, high-scoring offensive showman.

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圣菲利波说,他真的不喜欢抛头露面,因为他总是将灯光投射在舞台上的其他人身上。He is really the opposite of a showman because he would always put the light on others to take the stage.

例如乐师、剧演员、诵或吟诵演员和节目主持人的劳动就是如此。Such, for example, is the labour of the musical performer, the actor, the public declaimer or reciter, and the showman.

不过,和喜欢用新产品吸引人群的“推销员”乔布斯不同的是,詹达利和其他人说,他更喜欢待在幕后。Yet unlike Mr. Jobs, a showman famous for wowing crowds with new products, Mr. Jandali prefers to remain in the background, he and others say.

丹东个性暴躁,刚愎自用,活一个飞扬跋扈的政客。但他记忆力惊人,口才极有蛊惑力。Danton was a headstrong firebrand, a swashbuckling political showman with a prodigious memory, whose spectacular oratory held audiences in thrall.

另外,爸爸也是个爱玩耍的人,他也总是在享受着生活。我想当你看到我父母在一起时,就会知道我是一个怎么样的人。And, also, my dad, he's kind of a showman , he likes to have a good time and just enjoy himself, and I think when you put the two together, my parents together, you get me.

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作为本片的主人公,帕那索斯博士是一个古老而又神秘的流动马戏团老板,在他搭建在马拉车上的戏院里,中世纪的神话以喜剧的形式上演。To set the scene, Dr. Parnassus is an ancient and mysterious traveling showman whose horse-drawn theatre presents something like a Medieval Mystery Play by way of the Commedia dell’arte.

他那种面对一群充满敬畏的观众,独自一个人站在黑色的舞台上,魔术般的变出一个不可思议的新产品的行为,就是一个艺术大师的表演。His product launches, at which he would stand alone on a black stage and conjure up an “incredible” new electronic gadget in front of an awed crowd, were the performances of a master showman.

而好出风头的乔布斯在上次病休期间依然在公司盛大活动上发布苹果的最新产品。During his past illnesses, showman Jobs continued to unveil the latest Apple products at glitzy company events, leaving customers, employees and analysts alike to speculate on his gaunt appearance.