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但这正是玛丽莲·沃斯·莎凡特最喜欢出现的时刻。This, however, is when Marilyn vos Savant likes to show up.

壆者愚蠢的把壆校的冷却池当成游泳池。The savant foolishly took the school cooling pool because swimming pond.

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他扮演着热情的技术专家,能够给观众一些图片,也能够理顺复杂艰难的形势。He plays the down-home tech savant who can give audiences the big picture and smooth out tough situations.

有时人们又把他们抬高,说他们是能对物理学做出革命性贡献却无法学会系鞋带的怪才。They are set on a pedestal, the brilliant savant who will revolutionize physics but never learn to tie his shoes.

住在新奥尔良的蕾妮•萨万特曾买过一辆灵柩,本想用来出租给需要为老人庆祝生日的人。New Orleans resident Renee Savant bought a hearse, thinking she would rent it out for 3 over-the-hill-birthday celebrations.

米利什特知道布拉德在汽车方面是专家,所以她向他请教了关于应该试驾哪一辆年度最佳新车型。Since she knew that Brad was a savant when it came to cars, Millicent sought his advice on which of the year's new models she should test-drive.

他表示,成为专家的秘诀在于“高度系统化”和“对细节高度注意”,他同样还指出了感官的高度敏感。He suggests the secret of becoming a savant is " hyper- systematising and hyper- attention to detail". But he adds sensory hypersensitivity to the list.

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“老吾老以及人之老”,与其说是一种美德的体现,不如说是仁者不忍于现实的疼痛呼号。"is old I old as well as old person", is one kind of moral excellence manifestation, rather is the savant does not endure in the reality ache call letter.

这服务通常会有相当的风险,而且必须由这个博学长老和学徒独自完成,没有其他的迪洛矮人提供支援。This service usually has some amount of risk involved and must be under taken by the savant and apprentices alone, no other derro may accompany them or lend aid.

其实我就是这么三八,干爹干娘的爱情故事比坊间才子佳人的话本有意思多了。In fact I be so 38, the adore story of accepted father foster mother is more originally much more amusing than the words of gifted savant loveliness in the streets.

起初想让霍夫曼扮演查理,但是他想扮演雷蒙德。原来雷蒙德被写成一个智障的人,但被霍夫曼改称一个自闭的学者。Hoffman was originally supposed to play Charlie, but he wanted to play Raymond. Raymond was also supposed to be mentally retarded, but Hoffman changed it to an autistic savant.

超凡能力通常见于数字或日期的运算、视觉艺术和音乐,语言方面的超凡能力则属罕有。Savant talents are usually evident in the domains of number or date calculation, the visual arts and music. There are some rare cases with high-level abilities in the area of language.

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这种男多于女的比例不单在学者症候群出现,同时也见于其他形式的中枢神经系统失常,像是阅读障碍、较晚开始说话、口吃、过动及自闭等。The greater male-to-female ratio is seen not just in savant syndrome but in other forms of central nervous system dysfunction, such as dyslexia, delayed speech, stuttering, hyperactivity and autism.

澳洲坎培拉市「心智中心」的史奈德及密契尔认为,我们每个人身上也都有类似学者的大脑活动,但却被更复杂的概念性认知给淹没了。Allan Snyder and John Mitchell of the Centre for the Mind in Canberra , Australia, argue that savant brain processes occur in each of us but are overwhelmed by more sophisticated conceptual cognition.