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最近胸闷、心慌、头晕、想吐,是怎么了啊?The closest bosom frowsty , flustered, giddy, keck, be how ah?

生气也会肚子,胃,胸口连锁反应的痛。闷么?。Life also is met abdomen, stomach, of wind chain-reacting painful. Frowsty?

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肺结核治疗期间为什么会出现胸闷的症状?Why can the symptom with frowsty bosom appear during is tuberculosis treated?

本人最近老发闷难受运动一会就头晕怎么办?。How do oneself often send frowsty afflictive motion to do with respect to dizziness a little while recently?

通俗的说,“闷骚”就是指外表看上去并不“骚”,但内心却“骚”。Say popularly, " Frowsty coquettish " show appearance looks namely not " coquettish " , but heart however " coquettish ".

隔三差五的觉得胸口闷,有气堵着,别的没症状,是什么情况阿?Lie between 3 difference of 5 feel wind is frowsty , gas is being blocked up, other do not have a symptom, what circumstance A be?

所谓“打闷包”,就是把多个装潢项目加在一起,使消费者看不清、也看不懂。Alleged " make frowsty package " , add in many decorate project namely, make consumer looks not clear, also look not to understand.

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我老是感觉胸口很闷,感觉心跳不稳定,呼吸不稳定。而且很难受,这是什么病啊?I often feel wind is very frowsty , feel the heartbeat is not stable, breath is not stable. And very afflictive, what disease is this?

这个四月,算是我对国产片第一次小规模的补习了。This is me, on April the first small tutorial home-made movies. Suitable for frowsty coquettish type, have resonance, also have the shadow.

于是,她常常将工作和生活中的矛盾、压力和不愉快的事,拿到网上公开,诉诉苦闷,发发牢骚。Then, the contradiction in she often will work and living, pressure and unpleasant thing, take a net to go up open, accuse complaint is frowsty , croak.

生气时心跳加快,出现心慌、胸闷的异常表现,甚至诱发心绞痛或心肌梗塞。Furious when the heartbeat is accelerated the unusual display with occurrence palpitate frowsty bosom cause angina pectoris or miocardial infarction even.

有些胸闷,仔细一感觉,原来是装修使用的一些材料释放出的化学物质及油烟、噪音所致。Some bosoms are frowsty , feel carefully, it is be caused by of the chemical material that decorates use a few data to be released and lampblack, noise so.

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老李已经欠了赌坊五十万了,为此他相当痛苦,无法筹到足够的数目就到卡拉OK喝闷酒。Old Li Yi bets lane via was being owed 500 thousand, it is painful that for this he comparatives, cannot prepare sufficient number to pull OK to drink frowsty wine to card.

所谓的被动出汗,是指由于天气闷热、心情烦躁而形成出汗,这种出汗方式对人体是不利的。So called passivity perspires, it is to because weather is frowsty , point to be agitated of hot, mood and form perspire, this kind perspires means is adverse to human body.

蚕丝被轻盈、蓬松、柔软,不易结饼,不发闷,还很保暖,最适合这个忽冷忽热的时节了。Silk by lightsome, fleeciness, softness, cake of not easy knot, do not send frowsty , still very heat preservation, suit this most ignore cold the season that heats up suddenly.

试问,当真的遭遇这样一个令人怦然心动的闷骚男人时,女人还能有几人抵挡逃脱的了呢?We should like to ask, when the frowsty coquettish man that when true experience a such your people become really interested, a few people can the woman still have to keep out those who escape?