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艺术的大奖章!Medallion of art!

这正是这个奖章的活力所在。That is the animation of this medallion.

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她用手摸了摸制服口袋中的天使挂饰。She fingered the angel medallion in the pocket of her uniform.

巴林斯卡娅曾经获得了刻有他的照片一个奖章和一块手表。Balinskaya received a medallion and a watch etched with his picture.

他的作品包括重量级作品根X警察和奖章。His credits include blockbuster films Gen- X Cops and The Medallion.

我现在是全部法国艺术和文字的司令官了。The medallion makes me a commander in the order of arts and letters.

此枚纪念章为铜质镀金,直径50毫米。This Medallion is made of gold-plated copper with a diameter of 50mm.

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此枚纪念章为铜质镀金,规格直径50毫米。This medallion is made of gold-plated copper with a diameter of 50mm.

此枚纪念章为铜质镀金,直径50毫米。This gold-plated copper commemorative medallion has a diameter of 50mm.

镌刻在保拉胸前的金牌和波塔尔“神殿”墙上的标志是什么?What is the symbol on Paula's medallion and the wall of Baltar's "temple"?

2012年大赛冠军也将得到一枚独一无二的奖章来纪念这个日子。The 2012 champion will also receive a one-off medallion to mark the occasion.

这块犹如大奖章般的标志被放置在1954年车型的前挡泥板上。A medallion version of this logo is placed on the front fenders of the 1954 models.

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此枚纪念章为铜质镀金,直径50毫米。This Commemorative Medallion is made of gold-plated copper with a diameter of 50mm.

徽章的镀金部分呈白色,背景为硅呈黑色。The gold-covered parts of the medallion appear white, while the silicon background is dark.

他系着一条部落徽章,身穿彩绘背心,一把亚拉克弯刀佩戴在腰一侧,一条皮鞭在另一侧。He wore a medallion belt and painted vest, with an arakh on one hip and a whip on the other.

美国将偷来的属于俄罗斯最后一个沙皇的银奖章返还给莫斯科。The U. S. returned a stolen silver medallion that belonged to the last Russian czar to Moscow.

的确,那条带子上悬着一个黑轧花皮的圆匣子,很象个相片匣。In fact, a case of black shagreen, resembling a medallion portrait, was suspended from the ribbon.

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镀金色钥匙扣、龙虾扣和施华洛世奇徽章让这款设计更加完美。A gold-plated key ring, lobster-clasp hook and Swarovski medallion perfectly round off this design.

此枚纪念章为铜质镀金,直径50毫米,造币工艺制造。This gold-plated copper commemorative medallion with a diameter of 50mm is made with coinage technique.

他手里紧紧握着一个银色的天使挂饰,上面印着一个“爱”字,那是他朋友送他的礼物。In his hand, he tightly clutched a silver angel medallion with the word love written on it, a gift from a friend.