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对我们来说这是一种净化。This was a catharsis for us.

现在精神可以放松了,尽情宣泄了。Now there is relief and catharsis.

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虽然很痛苦,但却是一种精神宣泄。It had been a painful but therapeutic catharsis.

这是关于蕾哈娜的情绪宣泄,还是对阿姆的原谅?Is it about catharsis for Rihanna, or excuses for Eminem?

此外,山茶油还有一定的通便作用。In addition, the camellia oil there is a certain catharsis.

这样即能补充适当的营养,又能起到通便作用。This is added to adequate nutrition, but also play a role catharsis.

然而,研究表明,怒气情绪宣泄的念头根本没有意义。Studies show, however, that the notion of anger catharsis is poppycock.

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研究表明愤怒宣泄论是一派胡言。Studies show, however, that the notion of anger catharsis is poppycock.

那如同酣畅淋漓的宣泄,让每一个面对的人跟着激情澎湃。That catharsis as hearty, so that each face of the people follow the passion.

随着柬埔寨直面自己的过去,由此得来的涤荡净化压倒了争议。Controversy is being outweighed by catharsis as Cambodia faces up to its past.

那场为发泄暴力而发动的伊拉克战争中也夹杂着这种情绪。The war in Iraq, that catharsis of violence, expressed the same emotional dynamic.

这种巧思足以为你一扫洗涤日的阴霾。This kind thinks of enough to sweep the haze of catharsis day for you opportunely.

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国王定要处死刺客,这样才能解他的心头之恨。The king needed the assassin dead, for death of the man would be a catharsis for him.

治疗上应遵循脾以健运为用,肝以疏泄为补,肾以滋补为本的原则。The treatment principal of CSA is to health spleen, catharsis liver and invigorate kidney.

假设觉得排便不顺,多喝咖啡。一杯或两杯咖啡有助于通便。Assuming that defecation flow, and drink coffee. A cup or two cups of coffee for catharsis.

在我们的文化中,我经常发现艺术的东西遭到否定,卡塔西斯的概念则被世俗化了。In our culture I often find the artistic is denied, the concept of catharsis is secularized.

所以,这本书营造危机,是为了让人体验得到救赎时的感情净化。So crisis is created by the book in order to let you experience a catharsis of the salvation.

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失眠者必须重视心理治疗,疏泄焦虑有助于恢复正常睡眠。Psychotherapy must be emphasized in sleep disorder and anxiety catharsis is helpful for sleep.

——正是由于悲剧的这种化学纯度,它才非常有效地完成着它那净化感情的作用。It is because of its chemical purity that tragedy so effectively performs functions of catharsis.

把洗衣机调成柔和模式,并用70摄氏度左右的热水来洗涤。Move washing machine into downy mode, the hot water that controls with 70 Celsius comes catharsis.