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你怎么敢把失败归咎于我呢?How dare you impute the failure to me?

你把我这沉默认为我的罪行。This silence for my sin you did impute.

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你为什么说她的动机是自私的?Why do you impute selfish motives to her?

我可没有你归罪于我的这些欲望。How dare you impute such monstrous intentions to me?

我可没有你归罪于我的这些欲望。I have no aspirations such as those you impute to me.

主不算为有罪的,这人是有福的。Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

警方把犯罪的增长归罪于高失业率。The police impute the rise in crime to high unemployment.

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每一样都归因于科技改变自己的能力。Each of these impute to technology the ability to change itself.

这个政治家想把一些不当的言论转嫁到他的政敌身上。The politician tried to impute some unfortunate remarks to his enemy.

我们只能把这些猛烈的冲突归咎于事物的必然性。Let us, then, impute to the fatality of things alone these formidable collisions.

他们把犯罪率的上升归咎于年轻人享有了更多的自由。They impute the rise in crime to the greater freedom being enjoyed by young people.

但是,我认为,这一切都不能仅仅归罪于电脑游戏的存在。But, I believed that, all these cannot merely impute to the computer games existence.

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所以为何不相信奥巴马的言论,相信事实就如他所说的一样呢?So why not take president Obama at his words, and simply impute the motives that he claims?

童乩大多将病因归咎于鬼神或超自然力量。Most Taiwanese shamans impute the cause of disease to spiritual beings or supernatural forces.

我们的露西亚、塔威尔并没有责怪她自己会有这样的事情,我们也不需要灌输她这个观念。Our Lucia Tower does not accuse herself of any such thing and we have no need either to impute it to her.

那个神秘人也似乎硬要将绑架孩子的行为嫁祸到她身上。That mysterious person also appears extortionary get on the behavior impute of staking child to her body.

为了解决这个问题,我们归于一风险的措施,并不取决于观察公司的现金流。To address this issue we impute a riskiness measure that does not depend on observed corporate cash flow.

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被嫁祸的的“杀人犯”相满在监狱里得知了女儿死去的消息,发誓要报复钟植。By impute " murderer " full the daughter's gone message was informed in the jail, pledge should retaliate Zhong Zhi.

尽管我不常使用impute,它的词源在某些方面倒与大卫所提出问题的答案很吻合。Though I don’t use the word impute too often its etymology is in some ways consistent with the answer to David’s question.

而另一方面,梁海棠利用了一部分激进学生,故意制造事端,以此嫁祸我党。And on the other hand, liang Haitang used one part radical student, make disturbance intentionally, with this impute my party.