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萨维茨卡娅同志生来简直就是要成为宇航员。Comrade Savitskaya was, simply, born to be a cosmonaut.

这是一个舱口,宇航员会从这里出来,搞个啥月球漫步的。It is the very hatch from where a cosmonaut came out to the Moon.

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一旦你开始在星城接受训练,他们就叫你宇航员。And once you start training at Star City, they call you cosmonaut.

在1965年,亚历克斯·列昂诺夫可算是和那种悲惨命运擦肩而过。Yet that's a fate that cosmonaut Alexei Leonov barely avoided in 1965.

今年三月,俄罗斯宇航员阿列克谢列昂诺夫成为第一个人这样做。In March, Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov became the first person to do so.

宇航员加加林在1963年,推出沃斯托克已知的车辆。In April nineteen sixty-one, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was launched in the vehicle known as Vostok.

俄罗斯宇航员克里卡列夫说,联盟号比较陈旧的技术没有什么值得担心的。Russian Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev says the older technology of the Soyuz is nothing to worry about.

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俄罗斯将在2013年将一名印度宇航员送上太空,并将在2015年发射一艘印度的载人宇宙飞船。Russia will send an Indian cosmonaut into space in 2013 and launch a manned Indian spacecraft in 2015.

在空间和她的第一位女宇航员的恋人,在他们的联合调查团的明星越过轨道捕获。The first woman in space and her cosmonaut lover, caught in the star-crossed orbits of their joint mission.

重新调整以适应地球生活是困难的,从临时宇航员到普通平民的适应也是一样。It's difficult to readjust to life on Earth, to go from being a temporary cosmonaut to being a normal civilian.

四月十二,一九六一年,苏联宇航员尤里加加林飞在一○八分钟空间。On April twelfth, nineteen sixty-one, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flew in space for one hundred eight minutes.

宇航员萨维茨卡娅坚持社会主义男女平等的传统,成为第一位在太空行走的妇女。Cosmonaut Savitskaya carried on the socialist egalitarian tradition by becoming the first woman to walk in space.

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在尤里A.加加林俄国国家科学研究宇航员训练中心的外面,有他的雕塑和半身像。There are statues and busts of him outside the Yuri A. Gagarin Russian State Science Research Cosmonaut Training Center.

对我来说,父亲永远是世界第一的宇航员。He was always the First Cosmonaut of the World for me, and his whole life was connected with space and space exploration.

童年时期的格鲁埃夫斯基有过一系列短暂即逝的理想,他想过当医生,想过去踢足球,也想过去当个宇航员。That was a brief episode in a childhood in which the young Gruevski dreamt of being a doctor, a footballer or a cosmonaut.

在太空轨道上停留340天后,美国宇航员凯利和俄罗斯宇航员科尔尼延科安全返回地球。After 340 days in orbit, American astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko have returned safely to Earth.

但首先,我们在芝加哥阿德勒天文馆,博物馆官员履行俄罗斯前宇航员尤里加加林。But first, we go to the Adler Planetarium in Chicago where museum officials are honoring Russia's former cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

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第一个飞上太空的人是苏联宇航员尤里·加加林。The first human being in space was Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, who on April 12, 1961, orbited the planet and lived to tell the tale.

从前苏联1960年建好这个宇航员训练中心的那时起,8000人的城市就此神秘消失,甚至在地图上也不见踪迹。Ever since the Soviets built the cosmonaut training center in 1960, this city of 8,000 has been shrouded in mystery, even left off maps.

设计师的解决方法就是加设一个三位数字安全密码,宇航员输入密码才会得到飞船指令。The engineers' solution was to add a three-digit security code that the cosmonaut would have to enter to gain command of the spacecraft.