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但他给予巴基斯坦的不止于此。But he gave Pakistan more.

东南亚的巴基斯坦?South-East Asia's Pakistan?

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巴基斯坦会面风险太大,他表示。Pakistan was too risky, he said.

这都要靠巴基斯坦自己。It all depends on Pakistan itself.

巴基斯坦南部未能幸免The south of Pakistan wasn't spared.

巴方参加了这次行动?Was Pakistan involved in the operation?

我不该担心巴基斯坦问题吗?Should I not be worrying about Pakistan?

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我们也准备与巴基斯坦合作。We intend to work with Pakistan as well.

与巴基斯坦暴风骤雨般的关系?A tempestuous relationship with Pakistan?

贝琳达2月8号到达了巴基斯坦。Belinda arrived in Pakistan on February 8.

巴基斯坦吉拉斯岩画十分著名。Pakistan Djilas rock-paintings are famous.

他们希望印度和巴基斯坦卷入战争中。They want India and Pakistan to go to war.

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这就是为什么我们要看到巴基斯坦发展。That's why we want to see Pakistan develop.

对吧,还有可能蔓延至巴基斯坦。Right? Then it could spill then to Pakistan.

以前申请签证是否被拒签?。Was Pakistan visa ever refused to applicant?

为何巴基斯坦要玩这种危险的游戏呢?Why would Pakistan play this dangerous game?

但这样的行动在巴基斯坦很受欢迎。But any such move will play well in Pakistan.

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这种划分让巴基斯坦没有国家认同感。It left Pakistan with no sense of nationhood.

祝巴基斯坦繁荣富强,人民幸福安康!May Pakistan prosperity and people happiness!

巴基斯坦民兵烧毁北约运油车。Militants burn NATO fuel tankers in Pakistan.