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现在点击磁盘清理。Now click Disk Cleanup.

此参数用于快速清除。Used for quick cleanup.

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将出现“清除元数据”菜单。The Metadata Cleanup menu appears.

您可能还想做一点其它清理工作。You could also do a bit more cleanup.

切换到清除元数据提示符。Switch to the metadata cleanup prompt.

石油泄漏对任何彻底清洁系统都是不小的挑战。Spills present challenges for any cleanup.

每线程清除要执行。Any per-thread cleanup should be performed.

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移除组件需要完成一点儿清理工作。Removing a component requires a bit of cleanup.

它们定义了生命周期方法的设置和清除。They define lifecycle methods setup and cleanup.

消息提供者还呼吁,食品也要清得容易——吃完后容易将自己清理干净。Sources are also calling for cleanup to be a breeze.

消化阶段的另一个显著特征就是大清洗。Another characteristic of the digestion phase is a cleanup.

此工具还可以删除其它的好多好难删除的程序。Download the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility package now.

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采用策略管理的方式清理收件箱,有助于管理收件箱的大小Policy management of inbox cleanup to help manage inbox sizes

也有其它组织在开发漏油清理技术。Other groups are developing oil-spill cleanup technology, too.

有些厕所似乎仍是这次卫生大扫除活动的死角。Some toilets seem to be the blind spots of this great cleanup.

这个类演示了怎样通过正确的方法来实现显式的清除。This class shows the proper way to implement explicit cleanup.

英国石油公司还雇佣了当地渔船来帮助进行清理工作。BP is also hiring local fishing boats to help with the cleanup.

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这就提供了对任务更多的控制,例如故障清除。This gives you more control with tasks such as failure cleanup.

还可以单击“磁盘清理”按钮释放更多空间。You can free up some space by clicking the Disk Cleanup button.

我之前写过有关在飓风过后清理房屋的小窍门。I have previously written about tips for cleanup post-hurricane.