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他们几乎不会提及大麻和甲基安非他命的区别.They drew little or no distinction between marijuana and methamphetamine.

冰毒在10到12小时内很活跃,而可卡因的活跃时间是45分钟。Methamphetamine remains active for 10 to 12 hours, compared with 45 minutes for cocaine.

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于是在调查的时候,四个坏家伙就被人赃俱获了。Four bad guys were arrested and 42 lbs. of marijuana and 2 oz. of methamphetamine were seized.

在违禁药品中,甲基苯丙胺全球范围的使用者比可卡因和艾洛因使用者的总和还多。Among illegal drugs, methamphetamine now has more users worldwide than cocaine and heroin combined.

在洛斯阿拉莫斯的研究人员们同样在训练蜜蜂,利用它们来检测出像冰毒和可卡因一类的毒品。Researchers at Los Alamos are also training bees to sniff out drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine.

安非他命和甲基苯丙胺据说由掸邦周围的武装集团制造。Amphetamine and methamphetamine are said to be manufactured by armed groups in the surrounding Shan state.

实验还表明,高环境温度会造成甲基苯丙胺增强的毒性作用。It has been demonstrated that a high ambient temperature increases the neurotoxic effects of methamphetamine.

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数周后他们检测小鼠血液内是否含有甲基苯丙胺的抗体。After several weeks they tested the mice to see if the animals’ blood contained antibodies to methamphetamine.

最后有270位18岁以上、识字、曾经使用过安非他命的女性戒治者填写问卷。Surveys were conducted on 270 literate female prisoners aged over 18 with a history of methamphetamine offense.

脱氧麻黄碱在当地可以轻易获得,因而泛滥成灾。The methamphetamine "pervitin" is one of the most widespread drugs in the area because of ease of availability.

哈格德说他在男妓那买了脱氧麻黄碱并接受了他的按摩,但他强调说他们两个绝对没有发生性行为。Haggard says bought methamphetamine and received a massage from the male prostitute but insisted the two never had sex.

据报道,在民主克伦佛教军参与了非法贸易和活动,包括贩卖冰毒。The DKBA are reportedly involved in a number of illegal trade and activities, including trafficking of methamphetamine.

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被注射大剂量甲基苯丙胺的老鼠在停止注射药物之后的数月内仍会显示对药物的渴望。Mice given huge doses of methamphetamine have shown that drug cravings persist for months after withdrawal from the drug.

在一篇新的研究中,简达博士和他的同事指出他们用类似的方法处理甲基苯丙胺半抗原。In the new study, Dr Janda and his colleagues report that they have performed a similar trick with methamphetamine haptens.

墨西哥当局认为,这些钱跟一个伪麻黄碱走私网络有牵连。伪麻黄碱是制造安非他明的主要原料。Mexican authorities have linked the money to a network trafficking pseudoephedrine, the main ingredient in methamphetamine.

关于这种毒性是否导致了长期服用者的精神病症状,还是未知数。Whether this toxicity is related to the psychosis seen in some long-term methamphetamine abusers is still an open question.

在内裤里查获藏匿在卫生巾里一包白色晶体状物品,疑似冰毒。Discovered in their underwear hiding in a packet of sanitary napkins in white crystal-like object, suspected methamphetamine.

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甲基苯丙胺和摇头丸对中枢兴奋药的药理作用,破坏人的神经中枢。Methamphetamine and ecstasy on the pharmacological effects of the case of central stimulant drugs destroying people's nerve center.

局长也被控和保释保证人共同参与一项制造甲基安非他命、然后用它来诬陷某人的阴谋。The chief also is accused with the bail bondsmen of taking part in a conspiracy to make methamphetamine and use it to frame someone.

詹金斯说他被迫与当地的冰毒吸毒者建立“工作关系”,要私下里给他们治病。Jenks says that he is forced to have “a working relationship” with local methamphetamine users, treating their ailments in confidence.