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同时,丝胶对受损头发具有明显的修复效果。In addition, sericin can also repaired the hair damaged evidently.

介绍了一种用阴离子交换纤维来回收丝胶蛋白质的方法。A method to recycle sericin using anion-exchange fiber is introduced.

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丝胶的胶着性与胶凝有密切的关系。There are relationships between the gumming property of sericin and the gelation.

用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法研究丝胶的蛋白质组成问题。The protein composition of sericin have been studied by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.

结果表明,聚乙二醇缩水甘油醚对丝胶蛋白具有明显的交联作用。The result showed that polyethylene glycol diglycidyl ether cross linked sericin obviously.

因此,我们对丝胶改善纤维素纤维之后抗皱性能方面进行了研究。Therefore, the improvement of cellulose fabric crease resistance by use of sericin is studied.

研究丝胶蛋白质对头发的亲和作用和对受损头发的修复作用。The sericin affinity to the hair and repairing the hair damaged had been researched systematically.

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上簇环境不同的原料茧必将引起丝胶分子构象发生变化。The molecular conformation of silk sericin will be influenced by the mounting environments of cocoons.

丝绸厂排放的废水中含有大量的丝胶蛋白。A large quantity of sericin exits in the wastewater drained by the producers of silk yarn and silk fabrics.

丝胶蛋白是茧丝绸工业的副产品,经过降解处理后可制成丝胶蛋白多肽。Sericin is by-product of silk in industry and be processed into sericin polypeptide by degradation treatment.

介绍利用煮茧水及缫丝厂的废液提取丝胶的方法,分析不同方法对丝胶的制取及水溶性的影响。Different methods for extracting sericin from cocoon-cooking water and waste water in silk mill were compared.

蚕丝蛋白质包括绢丝腺液状丝素与丝胶,以及茧丝中丝素与丝胶。Silk protein consists of silk-gland liquid fibroin and silk sericin as well as fibroin and sericin in the bave.

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应用冰冻法和透析法研究了柞蚕和家蚕丝胶的提取方法。The different distilling methods freeze- method and dialyze- method of tussah and silkworm sericin were studied.

我们对脱胶后蚕丝进行的检测说明在我们确定的脱胶条件下丝胶能够从蚕丝表面被彻底地清除。The examination of degummed silk suggested that the sericin can be totally removed under our degumming protocols.

丝胶在纺织加工过程中起着浆料的作用,在经过机织或针织工艺形成织物之后,一般均将丝胶却除。Sericin functions as a size in the manufacturing process and is generally removed after the yarn is woven or knitted.

研究表明,丝胶蛋白质经受温度愈高,时间愈长,其所受到的破坏就愈明显。The results show that sericin protein deteriorates more severely with the increasing temperature and time in the test.

第一步通过回收废水中大量的丝胶蛋白质以降低废水对环境的污染程度。The first step is to recycle sericin efficiently, so that the contaminative degree of the waste water declined greatly.

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结果表明,用丝胶和阳离子交联剂对大豆蛋白纤维改性,织物的性能明显改善。The results showed that the soybean protein fiber properties modified by sericin and cationic agent were improved greatly.

探讨了丝胶蛋白助剂改性条件对羊毛纤维上染百分率的影响,确定出其最佳改性工艺条件。The best technique of wool fabric modified with sericin and the influence on dyeing percentage are discussed in this paper.

研究了蚕茧干燥过程中茧层丝胶分子构象及丝胶初期溶解性的变化。The changes of molecular conformation and initial dissolvability of cocoon layer sericin in cocoon drying process is studied.