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请慎重考虑投陈清木医生一票。Please give it some thought and vote Dr Tan Cheng Bock.

如果她没回答,可能销售部的包克先生能帮你忙。And if she's not answering, maybe Mr. Bock down in sales can help you out.

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如果她没回答,可能销售部的包克先生能帮你忙。And if she's not answering, maybe Mr. Bock sown in sales can help you out.

这位腰背挺直、两眼炯炯有神的老先生确实做了不少事。The old gentleman with the ramrod bock and twinkling eyes had indeed done many things.

我们的压缩机应用最先进的生产和组装设备制造而成。Bock compressors are manufactured on the latest generation of production and assembly plant.

大楼是在安妮女王时代设计与一个存在于学院内的临近的博克啤酒相称。The building is designed in Queen Anne style to match an existing adjacent bock within the college.

两个人握了握手,温塞特提议到拐角处喝一杯。The two men shook hands, and Winsett proposed a bock at a little German restaurant around the corner.

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在客人到达前,所有重要客人房间都必须经过检查并空出。第一间重要客人房间在周会上讨论。Check and bock all VIP rooms and prior to arrival. For VIP1, it will be discussed at the weekly meeting.

研究了后峰锯齿脉冲激励下洗衣机缓冲包装系统的冲击响应。The shock response of washing cushioning system is investigated under the action of bock crest tooth pulse.

自2009年夏天以来,柏林的奥托·博克医疗保健展览中心接待了成千上万名慕名而来的游客。Since the summer 2009 thousands of visitors are attracted to the OTTO BOCK health care exhibition center in Berlin.

我们的副总裁人民的行动,拉兹洛博克,在国会作证,有关如何的移民政策,影响公司像我们这样。Our VP of People Operations, Laszlo Bock , testified in Congress about how immigration policies affect companies like ours.

就像两个十几人站在谁免费夏纳博克啤酒线奥斯汀第六街很多,我是“造物主”。Like many of the two dozen or so people who were standing in line for free Shiner Bock beer on Austin's 6th Street, I am a "Creator".

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RC6是一个安全、简单、灵活的参数化的分组加密算法,它是RC5的发展,以更好地符合AES的要求。RC6 is a secure, simple and flexible parameterized bock cipher, it is an evolutionary improvement of RC5, designed to meet the requirements of the AES.

无论在低温冷冻,普通制冷还是建筑物空调领域,客户都非常信赖我们的压缩机技术。Customers have confidence in Bock compressor technology in domains ranging from deep-freezing to normal refrigeration and air conditioning for buildings.

博客以其优异的运行舒适性、高性能、结构紧凑和高质量,在全球半封闭压缩机市场中一直都享有盛誉。Excellent running comfort, high performance, compact sizes, and the high quality Bock is renowned for are all trademarks of Bock semi-hermetic compressors.

他们两人一向在“世纪”见面,或者在一个记者与戏剧界人士常到的地方,像温塞特刚才提议去喝啤酒的那个餐馆。The two men always met at the Century, or at some haunt of journalists and theatrical people, such as the restaurant where Winsett had proposed to go for a bock.