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锚杆钻机气动马达是该设备的核心部件。Pneumatic motor is a kernel part of the roof bolter.

她赋有魅力而且事业成功的丈夫这时却成了脱僵野马。Nick, her charming and successful husband, became a bolter.

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她赋有魅力而且事业成功的丈夫这时却成了脱僵野马。Nick, her charming and successful husband, became a bolter. "And he was a real bolter.

他总和一些人匆匆出去,然后再匆匆地回来。And he was a real bolter. He was always off with somebody and then he would come back again.

锚杆机是一个用来打锚杆眼安装锚杆来支护顶板的机器,它是用胶轮行走的。The roof bolter is a rubber-tired vehicle used to drill and insert bolts into the roof to support it.

超文本为自己创造了可能性空间。Hypertext creates it own possibility space. As Jay David Bolter writes in his outstanding, but little known book, Writing Spaces

它以粉碎者脉冲激光为它的主要武器,而使用重型电子矢来对付轻型部队。It employs a Disintegrator Pulse Laser as its primary armament and utilizes a Heavy Electron Bolter to deal with lighter forces.

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本论文主要研究火电厂汽包水位系统的故障检测、报警及预警。In this thesis, fault detection, alarm and alarm in advance in water level system of water circulation system in bolter are studied.

本项目研发的气动锚杆钻机产品派生出多个系列产品共7项,能够满足煤矿巷道各种条件下的钻孔安装作业。We developed pneumatic roof bolter equipment includes 7 type of machines, can fully meets the requirement of the coal mines of various condition.

对MQT系列矿用气动锚索钻机使用及维护中存在的问题进行了分析,提出了维护的具体措施及实施方法。The paper analyzes existing problems of MQT series pneumatic roof bolter in use and maintenance and puts forward the concrete measures of maintaining the roof bolter.

对锚杆钻机进行开发和研究,提高钻机的性能,成为了提高锚杆支护质量的关键。The development and research of the bolter, and the improvement of the bolter properties, are the key factors to enhance the quality of the roof bolting support system.