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你怎样看待踢球时的贝利?What have you seen of Pele in action?

这个博物馆在很大程度上就是一个贝利纪念馆。In many ways, the museum is a shrine to Pele.

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贝利是举世无双的足球健将。Pele was in a class of his own as a footballer.

Pele把青蛙放在他那赢得世界杯冠军的脚上。Pele has a frog resting on his World Cup-winning foot.

基拉韦厄被称为夏威夷火山女神贝利的家。Kilauea is called the home of Hawaii's goddess of fire Pele.

马丁这样做了,并且在基金会的名字中使用了“贝利”。Martin did so, and in the name of the Foundation to use the "Pele."

球王贝利在二十世纪的最佳足球员当中占有一席之地。Pele holds a place among the greatest soccer players of the twentieth century.

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可能贝利说我能继承他的衣钵,这件事我没做到。Maybe as Pelé put it that I'm going to step in his shoes, that one did not happen.

球王贝利表示他非常欣赏德国队的比赛风格,称德国队的打法充满激情。Pele said he appreciated the German team's playing style, which is full of passion.

巴西球王贝利是唯一一位获得三次世界杯冠军的球员。Brazilian superstar Pelé is the only player to have won three World Cup championships.

在某些方面,贝利自己对未能好好利用其巨星的地位负有责任。In some ways Pele himself is accountable for not capitalizing on his superstar status.

荣誉大使这一头衔责任重大,我深感义不容辞。”贝利如是说。It's a very big responsibility and I could not turn down the invitation, " said Pele."

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到时候关于马拉多纳和贝利的争论就结束了,而且最棒的就是梅西是阿根廷人。The Maradona and Pelé polemics will end and the best thing is that Messi is Argentinian.

那次贝利被从古迪森公园球场抬出时,声称再也不参加比赛了。Pele threatened to quit the game after being carried from the Gordison Park pitch that day.

以贝利来说,他在这个年纪,胸前的几颗星星已经为他编织了一顶国家队桂冠。Pele aside, few of the game's icons had accumulated a stash of national team laurels by that age.

我在发球圈里等得有点不耐烦了,但依然被牢牢踩在贝利?马克七世右脚的钉靴下。I wait impatiently in the centre circle, trapped beneath the right studded boot of the Pelé Mark VII.

“漂亮比赛”这个说法就是贝利第一次用来形容他的职业及他国家对足球的热爱的。It was Pele who first used the term“beautiful game”to describe his profession, and his nation’s passion.4

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济科被很多人认为是继贝利之后巴西最优秀的足球运动员。Arthur Antunes Coimbra, known simply as Zico, was regarded by many as being the best player in Brazil since Pele.

巴西人表示,具有非洲血统的足球运动员贝利有利于减少非洲人观看比赛的激情障碍。Inevitably, football player Pele helps bring down barriers among Africans passionate about the game, Brazilians say.

所以,沃纳就用国际足联发展部的负责人让-保罗布里格尔和加纳人阿贝迪贝利来取而代之,不过不管是谁,都得由国际足联买单。Instead Warner signed up FIFA's head of development Jean-Paul Brigger and Ghana's Abedi Pelé but FIFA paid up anyway.