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好,下一件事。All right. Next remark.

他在深思我的话。He meditates my remark.

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那批评的话是指我说的吗?Does that remark refer to me ?

黑根对这一评语感到很诧异。Hagen wondered at this remark.

你不应全信他的话。You should not eat his remark.

最后我还想说几句话。I want to make one last remark.

那话是冲我说的吗?Was that remark directed at me?

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他讲这种话是对我的侮辱。He insulted me by such a remark.

她对他的刻薄话很生气。She bridled at his nasty remark.

你说那话是什么意思?What do you mean by that remark?

我明白他话里的潜台词。I know the subtext of his remark.

你的话也许会伤她的自尊。Your remark may injure her pride.

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他的话与事实不符。His remark discords with the fact.

他这一句话引得大家笑起来。His remark set everybody laughing.

你为什么脱口说出那个意见?Why did you fling out that remark?

他的言论被报以嘘声。His remark was greeted with hisses.

约翰突然说了一句傻话。John came out with a foolish remark.

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她默不作声没理会这句话。She passed by the remark in silence.

所以,让我把下面的话说完。So let me make the following remark.

我把他的话当做玩笑话。I decided to treat his remark as jok.