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全世界最北边的东正教堂。The world’s northernmost Orthodox church.

这是世界上最北边的旅店中的其中一家。One of the northernmost hotels in the world.

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6月21日,太阳在黄道上最北的一点时。June 21, when the sun is at its northernmost point.

天津四是“夏季大三角”中最北边的一颗星。Deneb is the northernmost star in the Summer Triangle.

零等值线的季节性摆动,在冬季处于最北端。The zero isolines are at the northernmost in the winter.

连云港市位于江苏省的最北端。Lianyungang is situated in northernmost Jiangsu Province.

礼文岛是北海道最北端的岛屿之一。Li Wen Island is one of the northernmost islands of Hokkaido.

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在行星地球的天空中,今天太阳到达了最北点。Today the Sun reaches its northernmost point in planet Earth's sky.

格陵兰的纽因特人是世界上最北方的居民。The Inuits in Greenland are the World's northernmost settled population.

鄂霍茨克海位于西太平洋边缘海最北部。Okhotsk Sea is the northernmost one in the marginal seas of Pacific Ocean.

赫尔辛基,欧洲最北的首都,有30多座美术馆及博物馆。Helsinki, Europe's northernmost capital, boasts over 30 art galleries and museums.

在缅甸最北端和临近中国及印度的地区说的藏--缅甸语。Tibeto-Burman languages spoken in northernmost Burma and adjacent China and India.

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全市在Midan拉姆西斯火车站标志着市区最北端的程度。The city's main train station at Midan Ramses marks Downtown's northernmost extent.

席瓦山脉极端是席瓦山脉最北部的区域。The Far Shiverpeaks is the northernmost sub-region of the Shiverpeak mountain range.

安尼克是我们在前往诺森伯兰郡旅途上将要参观的最北部的小镇。Alnwick is the northernmost town we will visit on this journey through Northumberland.

粥川由美子在北海道奈井江町的一个小镇长大,那里是日本最北端的地区。Yumiko Kayukawa grew up in a small town, Naie, in Hokkaido, Japan’s northernmost region.

这些珍珠般大小的岛是leeward岛系里的一个而其位置最北。This pearl of the pacific is one of the group of Leeward Islands and is the northernmost.

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冰岛,火与冰之岛,是世界上最北的首都——雷克雅未克的所在地。Iceland, the land of fire and ice, is home to Reykjavik, the world’s northernmost capital.

日本猕猴又称为雪猴,是人类以外生活在地球最北方的灵长类动物。Also known as snow monkeys, Japanese macaques are the world's northernmost non-human primates.

在加拿大最北方的边疆,一只北极狼正在埃尔斯米尔岛附近小心翼翼地试探着水。In Canada's northernmost reaches, an arctic wolf gingerly tests the water near Ellesmere Island.