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赌上你的70级之路吧,少年!Gamble your way to 70!

我想去那儿赌钱。I'd like to gamble there.

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他们说我们赌钱。They said because we gamble.

是的。我想去那儿赌钱。Yes. I'd like to gamble there.

我又花了300块押在意大利上。I am gamble ¥300 on the soccer.

而互联网电视则仍看起来更像是一种前途未卜的赌注。Net TV is still more of a gamble.

他不饮酒、不赌博也不抽烟。He did not drink, gamble or smoke.

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要把一大笔钱输光太容易了。It is easy to gamble away a fortune.

你可以押上农奴You could gamble serfs, real people.

睿都巴若那怎么会知道如何赌博How does Rituparna know how to gamble?

谷则是因为与人赌博,而丢了羊。Gu lost sheep due to gamble with others.

对于我们当中几个人来说这可是最后一次赌博了。This is the last gamble some of us will have.

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他们可能会追求赌博式的商业冒险They can do big gamble type business ventures.

这样的价格对Benítez来说完全是一场赌博。At that price, Benítez represents quite a gamble.

交通安全要记住,莫用生命来赌博。Remember that traffic safety to gamble with life.

你准备对这场拳击赛的结果下赌注吗?Are you going to gamble on the result of the fight?

其实通用汽车是把宝压在了他的雪佛莱的“VOLT”着款车上了。General Motors' great gamble is the Chevrolet Volt.

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指望这次列车晚点,是很不保准的。It's not safe to gamble on the train arriving late.

如果赌输了,他们会重新租房住。If the gamble failed, they would go back to renting.

罗斯福,渴望战争,他就此孤注一掷。Roosevelt, avid for war, undertook a desperate gamble.