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你不会有那个该死的东西的!You won't get a goddam thing!

你要它撞上该死的地球?You want it hitting the goddam Earth?

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大惊喜,甚至那该死的惊喜都是可遇见的。Their big surprise. Even their goddam s

他们要修建一座巨大的游艇码头。They're building a goddam yacht harbor.

这么一来,我就什么也看不见了。That way, I couldn't see a goddam thing.

让你,我说道,让你的倒霉孩子离我Keep your damn, I said. Keep your goddam kids from

马蒂?朱尼尔和他的妻子住在一个讨厌的荒凉地区。Marty Junior lives in the goddam desert with that wife of his.

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马蒂·朱尼尔和他那胖胖的妻子住在一个讨厌的荒凉地区。Marty Junior lives in the goddam desert with that fat wife of his.

生活的压力看来连一天也不会减轻。The pressure of life never seemed to let up for a single goddam day.

他妈的歇浮莱!他们应该禁止制造这种车!That goddam Chevrolet, they ought to prohibit the manufacture of that car!

你是一船之长,世上还有比这更美妙的景象吗?You're a goddam swordboat captain! Is there any thing better in the world?

再说啦,我压根儿就没他妈的想告诉你我活到今儿的整个故事或者其他什么事儿。Besides, I'm not going to tell you my whole goddam autobiography or anything.

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如果你想要知道真相,那在最开始成就以为演员。If you want to know the goddam truth, that makes an actor in the first place.

这样的话我就不用跟任何人进行他妈的愚蠢没用的对话了。That way I wouldn't have to have any goddam stupid useless conversations with anybody.

那是一个挨千刀的英国军官——钢盔都没戴就站在火线中间。It was a goddam British officer—standing up in the middle of firefight the without a helmet.

科学家们对如何组织和领导自己的运动是“屁也不懂”。Scientists didn’t “know a goddam thing” about how their own activities should be organized and directed.

我们总是要给事物命名,这样才能说他们的故事,该死的关于孩子得救的童话故事。People gave names to things so they could tell stories about them, goddam fairy tales about children who got out alive.

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我可以预言从他们进门轻吻脸颊到再见离开过程中发生的所有事情,但可恶我不能这么做。I can predict everything that will happen from the moment they arrive to the little kiss on the cheek goodbye and I just can’t goddam do it.

但是,真幸运啊,今晚是“做你一个人的狗屁晚餐”,在上个星期的专栏中,我已经和你分享过这个新近创立的家庭仪式,所以基本上我没什么好担心的。Fortunately, however, tonight is Make Your Own Goddam Dinner Night, a recently instituted family ritual I shared with you in last week’s column.