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公制术语定义的长度单位。A metric unit of area equal to10 ares.

阿瑞斯站在战场上,观察着克瑞托斯。Ares stands on the battlefield observing kratos.

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赫菲斯托斯和他的哥哥阿瑞斯都是赫拉的儿子。Hephaestus and his brother Ares were sons of Hera.

今天谈谈我来这些天对阿清是的感受吧。Today to talk about me these days for ares is feeling.

只是不要期待战神I-X的升空和航天飞机一样。Just don?t expect Ares I-X to blast off like a shuttle.

半决赛和决赛3月19日和20日举行最后战神。The semi-finals and final ares scheduled for March 19 and 20.

但与哥伦比亚号航天飞机的首次试飞不同,“战神I-X”是无人驾驶的。But unlike that first shuttle flight, Ares I-X will be unmanned.

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阿瑞斯的战略过于残忍,它的毁灭之路必须得到制止。Ares tactics were brutal. His path of destruction had to be stopped.

闪闪发亮的白色战神I-X的核心是一个巨型固体燃料火箭推进器。The gleaming white Ares I-X, at its core, is a giant solid rocket booster.

国王确信自己能够胜利,因为他的马来自阿瑞斯的马厩。The king was sure of his victory, for his horses came from Ares" stables ."

他是阿瑞斯和阿芙罗狄蒂的儿子,是一位小奥林波斯山神。Son of Aphrodite by Ares , he took his place among the small gods of Olympus.

于是亚普罗斯下令以阿雷斯为首的赏金猎人们无论死活都要把劳妮抓回来交还给他。He than sent Ares and other bounty hunters to return Rauny to him, dead or alive.

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美元的工厂配有最先进的生产设施,占地总面积超过15,000.00平方米,拥有员工人数80余人。It has a total shop floor ares of over 15,000,00 sqm, and employing over 80 staffs.

在东亚的陆缘地区。存在着一系列的陆缘弧。There are a series of epicontinental ares in the marginal regions of the East Asia.

本次试飞的“战神I-X”是“战神I”火箭的三个飞行试验计划中的第一个。The Ares I-X flight is the first of three planned test flights for the Ares I rocket.

作为乌拉尼亚的阿佛洛狄忒,也有一座神庙,人们对她和阿瑞斯一起祭拜。There also she had an oracle, and, as Urania , was worshipped jointly with ares Mars.

而向着这一方向的变化或许意味着战神被人放弃,成本更低的设备将取而代之。And a change in this direction might mean scrapping Ares in favour of something cheaper.

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NASA希望战神V可以在2020年执行载人登月任务。NASA hopes to have the Ares V rocket in operation for manned moon missions in the 2020s.

战神一号或许在2015年将把一艘搭载四名宇航员的、像阿波罗那样的航天器送入太空。The Ares 1 will launch an Apollo-like spacecraft with four crew members — perhaps by 2015.

你的双手始终都沾着一个神的血迹,我不会让阿瑞斯的经历在我身上重演。You hands had already stained by the blood of a god. I will not let Ares ' fate be my own.