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千条江河归大海。Rivers descend to the sea.

我决不干这种卑鄙的事情。I never descend to such meanness.

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神圣的静寂和宽慰慢慢沉落。Blessed silence and relief descend.

跳伞,伞降用降落伞。To descend by means of a parachute.

它们悄悄地向杰克和奈提莉飞去,跟着他们。FOLLOW THEM as they descend silently

她永远不会堕落到卑劣地步。She would never descend to baseness.

我为了你而兴起,我为了你而独自沉落。For thee I rose, now descend all alone.

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阿玛,您刚下差回来吗?Ma, you just descend wrong come behind?

下素月的事情啊!Descend the affair in month of vegetable!

伴随着一声大叫,石锤应声落下。With a great cry, the stone clubs descend.

从这时起,情节陷入一片混乱。From there, the episodes descend into chaos.

我期望上帝的恩惠。I hope the grace of God would descend on me.

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当男性胎儿逐渐发育,睪丸便会下降。As a male fetus develops, the gonads descend.

深吸气使肝脏下降。Deep inspiration causes the liver to descend.

我们的偏见是从母方流传下来的。Our prejudice descend from the female branch.

还下垂了,那一坨的肥肉啊。Still descend hang, the fat meat of that Tuo.

猩猩们造反了并袭击了旧金山。The apes revolt and descend on San Francisco.

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然后让他下了山。And he tells him to descend from the mountain.

可下一刻,她有担心起来。Can descend a moment, she has already anxious.

电梯慢慢地降到底楼。The elevator descend slowly to the ground floor.