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在你最喜爱的太阳裙上添加深色的腰带。Add a dark belt and cardi to your favorite sundress.

她穿着黄色背心裙,看上去轻松活泼。She looked very bright and breezy in her yellow sundress.

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奥黛丽•赫本1955年身穿太阳裙,手持多彩伞。Audrey Hepburn wears a sundress and holds a colorful umbrella in 1955.

这张照片拍摄于1955年,赫本身着太阳裙,举着一把彩色阳伞。Audrey Hepburn wears a sundress and holds a colorful umbrella in 1955.

你穿一件白色亚麻太阳裙,点了一份巨大的排骨。You wore a white linen sundress and you ordered this giant plate of ribs.

把短裤腿放下来,丝绸衬衫的扣子扣上,把自己塞进太阳群——方法很多,随你便。Pull on your shorts, button up your silk blouse, shove on a sundress – whatever.

怎样才能巧妙地勾勒出胸部和颈部的完美线条呢?How about a skillfully cut sundress that showcases your beautiful bosom and neck?

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一条很男孩子气的皮带和一堆手链为这套很甜美的棉裙创造了不平衡美。A boyish leather belt and a stack of cuffs give this sweet cotton sundress a rugged twist.

国庆节野餐会上,米歇尔身着一身活泼的Gap太阳裙和航海风的白色毛衣与蒙大拿州的选民交流。At a Fourth of July picnic, Michelle connected with Montana voters in a cheery Gap sundress and nautical white cardigan.

现在,这对手臂已是奥巴马夫人最常用的装饰品了,不管是嘉普的连衣裙还是设计师设计的晚礼服。Now those arms have become Mrs. Obama’s most constant accessory, whether she is wearing a Gap sundress or a designer ballgown.

热带花卉小孔连衣裙裙裙上的通风小孔,捕捉到了夏日丝丝的凉风,带松紧的时髦的腰带上绣着五颜六色的热带花卉。Airy eyelet catches the spring breezes that blow. Our pretty sundress has a stylishly smocked waistband embroidered with bouquets of colorful tropical flowers.

夏日的晴空和艳丽的太阳裙让高架公园第十四街入口处荫蔽的“慢行阶梯”变得熠熠生辉起来,之所以取名为慢行阶梯是因为楼梯阶段之间设置了延伸平台。The summer sky and a sundress brighten the shaded "slow stairs" of the High Line's 14th Street entrance, which earned the nickname because of the extended platforms between flights.

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可能你隔壁的同事会穿运动凉鞋加百慕大短裤或者一件有意大利面条一样的条纹的太阳裙,但是最成功的人通常都会看情况穿衣服的。Though the person in the next cube may be sporting sandals and Bermuda shorts or a sundress with spaghetti straps showing, the people who are most successful are those who dress for the occasion.

可能你隔壁的同事会穿运动凉鞋加百慕大短裤或者一件有意大利面条一样的条纹的太阳裙,但是最成功的人通常都会看情况穿衣服的。Though the person in the next cube may be sporting sandals and Bermuda shorts or a sundress with spaghetti straps showing, the people who are most successful are those who dress for the occasion.