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专业化时代即将来临Specialization will set in.

动物的脑半球特化。Hemispheric specialization in animal.

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语言的脑半球特化。Hemispheric specialization for language.

专业分工可以促进特定技能的提升。And specialization promotes gaining specific skills.

总而言之,进入越来越狭窄的专业化轨道。In short, an ever-narrowing funnel of specialization.

金地是专业化程度极强的一支集团军。The degree of specialization is open to a group army.

专家做的是特殊化,由上往下逐项展开。Hence the Professonal's work is making specialization.

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专业化常在学术界占主导地位。the specialization is very often dominant in academia.

针对指针的局部特殊化是预期的路线。Partial specialization for pointers is the expected route.

任何偏离这个位置的都是一种特化形态。Any departure from this position is a form of specialization.

我们专门经营中国丝绸服装的出口业务。Our specialization is the exportation of Chinese silk garments.

可以使用领域专门化来避免这种多米诺骨牌效应。This domino effect can be avoided by using domain specialization.

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要允许域专门化元素实体是必需的。The element entities are necessary to permit domain specialization.

继承只应被用来为特化层次结构建模。Inheritance should be used only to model a specialization hierarchy.

从三个不同的专业领域选择三门课程。Three courses must be from three different core specialization areas.

必须使用新语法来用于模板的显式专用化。You must use the new syntax for explicit specialization of templates.

在某一地理场所菌系具有寄生主的专化性。Host specialization of strains is present in one geographical locality.

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第五章是对韩国大学特色化政策的反思。Chapter 5 is a reflection about Korean university specialization policy.

它将继续行进在由全球化和专业化驱动的道路上。It will continue on this path driven by globalization and specialization.

一个自养的单细胞绿藻表现最小程度的特化。An autotrophic unicellular green alga presents the minimum of specialization.