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他们胜任愉快地做完了工作。They have done their work very ably.

除了羊之外,还有珍珠鸡的大力协助。The sheep are ably assisted by guinea fowl.

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我们得到一批志愿者的大力协助。We were ably assisted by a team of volunteers.

这些独唱歌手得到了大学歌手的大力支持。The soloists were ably supported by the University Singers.

对于半途而废的朋友来说,任何巧妙的复习方法都是无济于事的。To the friend that quit, any revising a method ably is of no help.

一开始,我们愉快地聊起他的伦敦和巴黎之行。At first we chatted agree- ably about his trips to London and Paris.

她把壁炉与书架巧妙地结合起来,浑然一体。She combines fireplace and bookshelf ably rise, one integrated mass.

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如果她能巧妙地激发他的欲望,结果反而会好得多。If she stimulates his appetite ably , the result has been met instead much.

他说布朗很好的代替了维迪奇。Brown, he said, deserved immense credit for deputising so ably for Nemanja Vidic.

当你有108岁的时候,你可以做任何事了,除了上高中。When you are 108 years old, you would prob ably be doing any thing, except high school.

但是,我们能说银行现在就要比半世纪以前的更加成功么?Yet would we say that banks are performing more ably than they were a half-century ago?

布鲁斯总是能成功读她的思想,巧妙地用他的魔术逗她笑了。Bruce could always succeed to read her minds and ably use his magic to make her laugh again.

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它们巧妙地在淤泥中构筑泥屋,仅在相应的地方开一个呼吸孔,这。They are in ably silty in build slimy house , open a spiracle in corresponding place only , this.

使我吃惊的是,虎妈可以将经验现实与中国教育的方法巧妙地结合。To my surprise, the tiger mother could combine empirical reality with Chinese education methods ably.

如果可能,将内置触发延迟时间设置为最小允许时间,零秒更好。If possible, set built-in trigger delay times to the minimum allowable time, prefer ably zero seconds.

另外,在“未婚先孕的女星中,谁在婚礼时巧妙地掩盖了‘孕’相尽展美丽?”In addition, in "premarital pregnancy actress, who in wedding ably covered in all exhibit" at "beauty"?

更重要的是,微软获得了一个由杰出的托尼•贝特斯率领、可与任何人竞争的团队。More importantly, Microsoft gets a team, ably led by the exceptional Tony Bates, that can compete with anyone.

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这是干练的协助下,由滑液这是所产生的滑膜,上述胶状层。It is ably assisted by the synovial fluid which is produced by the synovium , the aforementioned rubbery layer.

金融稳定性论坛在意大利央行行长德拉基先生的卓越领导下已开始填补这个空白。The Financial Stability Forum, ably chaired by Mario Draghi of the Bank of Italy, has started to fill this gap.

我们十分珍惜与王红松秘书长领导下北仲的合作,并期待更大的挑战。We highly value our partnership with the BAC, so ably led by Wang Hongsong, and look forward to new challenges.