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我可以再做一盆菜。You can take him a casserole.

把沙锅菜烤一小时。Bake the casserole for an hour.

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我可以再做一盆菜。And I can make another casserole.

这种蒸锅菜真好吃。This casserole really tastes good.

每人来份鱼锅怎么样?How about a fish casserole for each?

绿豆焙盘和南瓜馅饼。Green bean casserole and pumpkin pie.

她的乱炖食谱,但是我们恨它们。Her casserole recipes. But we hate them.

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我在煮晚餐要吃的砂锅。I'm making casserole for dinner tonight.

或者香甜土豆焙盘和山核桃派。Or sweet potato casserole and pecan pie.

你要不要再来点沙锅菜?Would you like to order some more casserole?

我在煮晚餐要吃的砂锅。NO23, I'm making casserole for dinner tonight.

对不起,沙锅给炖焦了。I'm sorry the casserole has gotten over cooked.

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很多人爱吃砂锅炖鸡。Many people love chicken with vinger casserole.

谁会去分享沙锅菜或者是盘装菜呢?Have everyone bring a casserole to share or a dish.

因为我喜欢吃沙锅炖,和沙罐。Because I love to eat casserole stew, and the sand pot.

它可以生吃或放在沙锅里煮熟才吃。They can be eaten plain or cooked in a tasty casserole.

小丁要了个砂锅牛肉粉,小强要了个福建混沌。Going to a beef casserole powder, Jack to a Fujian chaos.

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适合搭配野味,味浓的禽类或沙锅菜。Well suited to game, flavorful poultry or hearty casserole.

用砂锅熬菜、做饭均可,不能用来炒菜。Boil with a casserole dish, cooking can not be used for cooking.

在炒锅中加油和黄油,倒入洋葱,翻炒。Fry chopped onion in a heavy-based casserole pot with olive oil.