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精神病医生正式证明她神经失常。The psychiatrist certified her as insane.

一个刚生完孩子的母亲去看精神科医生。A new mother went to the psychiatrist worried.

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需要我唤醒全息精神病学医师吗?Should I call up the holographic psychiatrist?

赛后他一直感谢他的心理师。Afterwards he proceeded to thank his psychiatrist.

谁是金氏?-一个优秀的立陶宛精神病医生。Who's Goldfield? -A brilliant Lithuanian psychiatrist.

联合国为世界和平事业做了大量工作。The psychiatrist has done a lot of work with obsessives.

上届政府做了大量工作以抑制通货膨胀。The psychiatrist has done a lot of work with obsessives.

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然后,是眼尖的精神病医生看到了飞鸟。Next to spy a bird flying was the sharp-eyed psychiatrist.

精神病医生斯蒂芬·伯奇是研究清醒做梦的专家。Psychiatrist Stephen LaBerge is an expert on lucid dreaming.

有一次,我深刻的苦痛居然把我的心理医生都弄哭了。At one point, my profound pain actually made my psychiatrist cry.

赫门伍库斯是一位精神科医生,同时也是退伍军人事例的专家。Herman Vukusic, is a psychiatrist and an expert on veteran cases.

随后,这名军队心理医生被一名女警官开枪射伤。The army psychiatrist was then shot and wounded by a police woman.

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他和妻子住在卡罗莱纳州北部,他是一名精神病医生。He and his wife live in North Carolina, where he is a psychiatrist.

精神病学家英雄和他的妻子已经结婚10年了。Psychiatrist Yeong-woong and his wife have been married for 10 years.

精神科医师应该指导患者所有药物剂量和类型的改变。A psychiatrist should guide any changes in type or dose of medication.

现在是麻省坎布里奇市的一名儿童青少年精神病学家。Rappaport, now a child and adolescent psychiatrist in Cambridge, Mass.

最终他决定通过成为一名精神病医生来研究意识。Eventually he decided to study consciousness by becoming a psychiatrist.

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我建议萨科奇在做任何决定之前应该和精神病专家谈谈。I advise Sarkozy should face psychiatrist , before he make any decision.

她去看了一位用催眠术帮她克服恐惧感的精神科医生。She saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal with her fear.

“今天的婚外恋爱关系是相当普遍的”,精神病医生徐浩源说。"Extra marital relations are quite common nowadays, " said the psychiatrist Xu.