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有一天,我在木柴堆上发现一窝野猫仔。One day I found a litter of wild kittens in our woodpile.

我在木料堆里找到几捆杂草,我可以用来钻木取火。I found a bent stick in the woodpile , and I can make a drill.

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木料堆后面的男孩们开枪射中了其中一个骑马的人。The boys behind the woodpile shot one of the men on horseback.

在俄罗斯Krasnoyarsk地堆木材地任务之前偶们都表现得非常不错。We were doing so well until the woodpile in Krasnoyarsk, Russia.

他当著几百个孩子的面爬上柴堆,扒出埋在里面的栅栏后走了。Hed climbed into the woodpile in front of hundreds of kids, pulled out the barriers and left.

一个星期五的早晨,第三棵树很震惊地发现,她的横梁正在被拉扯。One Friday morning, the third tree was startled when her beam was Yanked from the forgotten woodpile.

一个星期五的早晨,当第三棵树被人从早已遗忘的木堆中拽出时,把她吓了一跳。One Friday morning, the third tree was startled when her beams were yanked from the forgotten woodpile.

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提出一种新的、成本低廉的方法制备大面积聚合物两层木堆结构。A novel and cheap method for fabrication of a large area two-layer polymer woodpile structure was proposed.

他认为英国革命在望,之后突然发现你会坏他的事。He thought the English revolution was just around the corner. Then suddenly he found you were the nigger in the woodpile.

有一天,我和几个朋友被埋在为每年的家庭来木堆篝火我们高中的停车场,很多障碍。One day some friends and I buried our high school's parking-lot barriers under the woodpile for the annual home-coming bonfire.

有一次,我和几个朋友把学校停车场的栅栏埋在柴堆里,准备用来烧一年一度的篝火,庆祝放假。One day some friends and I buried our high school's parking-lot barriers under the woodpile for the annual home-coming bonfire.

柴堆和储备良好的食物表明我们可以美美睡上一觉了。而冬日带来的是宁静的漫漫长夜,正好入梦。The example of the woodpile and the well-stocked larder tells us that we achieve what we dream, and winter brings us long, silent nights to dream on.

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柴堆和储备良好的食物表明我们可以美美睡上一觉了。而冬日带来的是宁静的漫漫长夜,正好入梦。The example of the woodpile and the well-stocked larder tells us that we can achieve what we dream, and winter brings us long, silent nights to dream on.

他从地客的木料堆里找出了一个打包箱,装上盖子,又在西尔伐家的孩子们搞来准备卖给废品商的废料里搜刮了一番。He procured a packing-case from the woodpile in the cellar, fitted a cover to it, and raided the scrap-iron the Silva tribe was collecting for the junkman.

你可以想一想,在我们课程中,克兰诗中的布鲁克林大桥,那被抛弃的木柴堆,在诗歌“柴垛“中一些工人放弃的柴垛You can think about Crane's images of the Brooklyn Bridge in this course that abandoned woodpile that some worker has left in the poem called "The Woodpile."

你可以想一想,在我们课程中,克兰诗中的布鲁克林大桥,那被抛弃的木柴堆,在诗歌“柴垛“中一些工人放弃的柴垛“You can think about Crane's images of the Brooklyn Bridge in this course that abandoned woodpile that some worker has left in the poem called "The Woodpile."

有了高高摞起的柴堆、储备良好的食物,我们可以美美地睡上一觉了。冬日带来的是静谧的漫漫长夜,正好如梦。The example of the woodpile and the well-stocked food supply tells us that we can achieve what we dream, and winter brings us along, silent nights to dream on.

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有一个星期五的早上,当工人将第三棵树从木柴堆中把它拿出来时,本来是被遗忘的,现在却被吓了一跳。One Friday morning, the third tree was startled when her beam was yanked from the forgotten woodpile. She flinched as she was carried through an angry jeering crowd.

对某文献中的柴堆式EBG结构进行了验证性仿真,所得结果与文献中的数据相符。To verify validity of the algorithm, the dielectric woodpile EBG structure was analyzed and the computational results were almost the same as the data in the reference.